The Unspoken Voices of Light Skin Women
Possible Solutions:
- giving voice to lightskins
- expressing to the public, making awareness
- even taking a class such as "shades of black"
How does colorism look from a light skin perspective?
From our data, we concluded that it differs depending on your upbringing, exposure to social media, and personal experiences.
Light skins feel as if they do have a voice in colorism but they often feel as if they struggle with being able to voice their opinions.
How does colorism look from the light skin perspective?
Hypothesis: The spotlight isn't so much on light skins, which is why they're neutral. This spotlight is focused more on the darker skin complexions.
How social media views the light skin ccmmunity?
What is Colorism?
Colorism is a global prejudice that people of african ancestry have towards each other and use against or to the advantage of themselves and others with relatively similar complexion.
People of lighter skin complexions are a target of discrimination because they seem to not have a voice when it comes to light skin vs. dark skin.
Light Girls Documentary (2015)
Shows the experiences that lighter skin women go through in daily
- Verbally, physically, and mentally abused by dark skin women
- Apologetically attractive
- Discriminated within their race
- Issues with their self
Sierra Boone
Briana McNatt
Chyna Duncun
Brandi Boyd
Danielle Wallace
- Youtube
- ttp://
- "Color Matters" Kimberly Jade Norwood
- Why are dark skin women so offended and/or threatened by light skin women?
- "Watching this is like listening to someone scratch their nails on a chalkboard or listening to a white man convince black people that racism is okay."
- Uncomfortable