The Oneness of Allah
Allah is the only God and he is the only creator.He is independant as he does not have any help in what he does. He commands and creates everything.Everything happens according to the WILL of Allah.
"God is the Creator of everything. He is the guardian over everything. Unto Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth." (39:62, 63)
"No creature is there crawling on the earth, but its provision rests on God. He knows its lodging place and it repository." (11:6)
"There is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting. Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who is there that shall intercede with Him save by His leave? He knows what lies before them and what is after them, and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge save such as He wills. His throne comprises the heavens and earth; the preserving of them oppresses Him not; He is the All-High, the All-Glorious." (2:255)
All of the creatures of the
universe are created by Allah and Allah alone.
All the things which are created in the
universe SHOULD worship Allah. Humans are
gifted with the highest intelligence. Satan changes
people and moves them from the light path of Islam
to the dark path of pther unreligous beliefs which
are NOT true. Unfortunately ,those disbelievers
will suffer in teh HELL fire. Even the things that
do NOT seem alive (for example a desk) still
worship Allah. They recite his name over and over
"He is God; there is no god but He, He is the Knower of the unseen and the visible; He is the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. He is God, there is no God but He. He is the King, the All-Holy, the All-Peace, the Guardian of Faith, the All-Preserver, the All-Mighty, the All-Compeller, the All-Sublime. Glory be to God, above that they associate! He is God the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper. To Him belong the Names Most Beautiful. All that is in the heavens and the earth magnifies Him; He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." (59:22-24)
Mankind/humans were only created
as a test for Allah to see who would
actually worship him and who would remain
loyal to Allah SWT and who would refrain
from the temptations of Satan.
Allah has no need for the humans,
however, all humans need Allah for he created them. If the humans remain loyal and worship Allah SWT, through the process of Salat they will be rewarded by
living in Jannah eternally after the test of life. However, if they stray from the good path, then they will be punished forever in Jahanam
Forms of Worhsip
Mankind/humans worship Allah
through Salat and prayer. They are required
to pray 5 times a day. The importance of praying
5 times a day is very high. The stage of the cycle
of existence which all things go through (life) is a test
set by Allah. What we do in the stage of life depends
on whether we will be placed in Jannah or in Hell fire
on the day of judgement. Whether we pray is an important
quality hich without, we will cerainly be placed in theHell fire
Allah's 99 names
Allah had 99 names and attributes.
From these names, we have some
understanding of Allah's attributes.
For example "Al Ghafar" means
"forgiving". From this attribute, we can understand that Allah is forgiving and that we must always ask for his forgiveness when commiting a sin.