Normal Non-fluency vs. Stuttering
Learner Outcomes
Normal Non-fluency vs. Stuttering
Components/qualifications: (Shruti)
By the end of this presentation we hope you can:
1. Know what stuttering is/is not.
2. Know the causes of stuttering
3. Know types of therapy
4. Know where to go for treatment in Qatar
By: Shruti Salian M.A. SLP & James Hall M.S., SLP-CCC
November 24, 2016
Step by Step
Age Ranges
What we know about stuttering:
Introduction to Stuttering
What do all of these people have in common?
- Moses, VP Joe Biden, Sir Isaac Newton, Tiger Woods, James Rodriguez, Winston Churchill, Samuel L. Jackson
Stuttering can be tracked as far back as ancient egyptian times, and is found across cultures throughout the world.
- Boys are anywhere from 2-4 times as likely to stutter
- There is a genetic component and an environmental component.
- About 5% of children will have some kind of stuttering between the ages of 2-5.
- Roughly 1% of the current population stutters today.
- Stuttering can be treated, but, the longer we wait, the harder it gets.
- As many as 80% of preschool children who stutter develop out of their stuttering.
- Stuttering is variable
- Stuttering often runs in families
What is stuttering?
Normal Disfluency
"Secondaries" are a behavior that gets added to stuttering.
- Examples include hard eye blinks, movement of the head, facial grimacing, gasping for air/inserting a sound, and other body movements
- Secondaries are initially used as a trick to help with fluency.
- In order to classify as having a stutter, a child needs to have at least 2% of their speech be disfluent.
- The higher the percentage/the addition of secondaries typically increases the severity.
- Stuttering is a speech disorder that involves disruptions or "dysfluencies" in one's speech.
- Dysfluencies can be categorized into 5 major types:
- Blocks
- Repetitions
- Prolongations
- Revisions
- Interjections
- Repetitions (2 or fewer repetitions on word/syllable)
- No tension
- Revision
- Interjections
- Hesitation
- Not exceeding ~2-3%
Where to refer in Qatar:
- Stuttering is caused by nervousness
- Children who hear a lot of stuttering will start to stutter
- Stutterers are less intelligent than other children
- It helps to say "Take a deep breath before talking" or "think about what you want to say"
- Stress causes stuttering
- We shouldn't talk about stuttering to people who stutter.
- People who stutter are shy/self-conscious
- Stuttering is caused by bad parenting
- Stuttering is a psychological problem
- More than 70 million people stutter (t)
Types of Therapy
Rate of Speech
- Stuttering Foundation of America.
- U.S. National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health. "Stuttering." Children and stuttering; Speech disfluency; Stammering. 2012, reviewed May 14, 2014 (accessed Nov 12, 2014).
- 2 U.S. National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health. "Stuttering." Children and stuttering; Speech disfluency; Stammering. 2012, reviewed May 14, 2014 (accessed Nov 12, 2014).
- 3 The Stuttering Foundation and Frank Wolf. "Stuttering Gets Congress' Attention." Summer 2014 Newsletter. (accessed Nov 12, 2014).
- 4 U.S. National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health. "Stuttering." Children and stuttering; Speech disfluency; Stammering. 2012, reviewed May 14, 2014 (accessed Nov 12, 2014).
- 5 The Stuttering Foundation and Frank Wolf. "Stuttering Gets Congress' Attention." Summer 2014 Newsletter. (accessed Nov 12, 2014).
Things you can do as a teacher:
Things you can do as a parent: