Met weinig wetten is het goed regeren
Johann Agricola
Biblical Integration - Classroom Management
Well done, my good servant!
his master replied. Because you have
been trustworthy in a very small matter,
take charge of ten cities.
Luke 19:17
Heaven's Reward
... a call to rule?
Luther's Theology
- Everyone is called to be a good theologian.
- A good theologian should be able to distinguish between the law and the gospel.
- Nobody can distinguish between the law and the gospel.
- We need wisdom, the mind of Christ
A Balancing Act?
I am sending you out like
sheep among wolves.
Therefore be as shrewd as
SNAKES and as innocent
Matthew 10:16
Key Ideas
Principles from Galatians
- Weakness
- Informed
- Sensing
- Environment
- Not ... x 3
- Occam's razor
- Heavenly presence
- Aerial
- Redemption
- Mating
# 1 Justification by faith
Classroom Rules
- A human malady (deadly deception)
- DO's
- DON'Ts
- Observing the law
- Immunity
- too good to be true
- this gospel is not from man
- Bring gospel clarification
- What we're not saying
- don't have rules
- don't give consequences
- class will become heaven
- but we might change
Principles from Galatians
# 3 The only comparison
- Which well are you drinking from?
- salt ... out-immature
- pure ... walk with ungrieved Holy Spirit
- Entitlement vs. bondservant
- personality type
- not in my contract
- or ... slave of Christ's will
Classroom Ministry
- Justification by faith
- saved FROM trying (do's / don'ts)
- saved TO inherit
- The promise of inheritance
- more than students
- more than sons / daughters
- they're HEIRS
- more than teachers
- Our ministry - guide / advocate
- minister into weakness
- bind up wounds
- promote (not punitive)