Chapter 1: My Character
1.2 Honesty
Objective: The student will identify ways that someone could show honesty in given situations.
Honesty means telling the truth or behaving a way that is consistent with what is true.
To be though of as an honest person, someone needs to continually demonstrate that quality, including in situations that are not readily observed by others. Think honesty at all times!
1.1 Qualities Of Good Character
Has anyone ever seen someone being honest? Can you give me an example?
Allow time for discussion
Write answers down on the board
Can someone give me an example of when you were honest?
allow time for discussion
What do you think "good character" means?
write answers on the board
Qualities of good character
Pass out worksheet 1.1 Qualities of a Good Character, go over worksheet with students using the circles below.
Do you think character is someting inside a person; that is, how they think or act--or outside a person; that is, the way a person looks?
With student suggestions, come up with a working definiton of character; traits or inner qualities of a person that would make them outstanding or worthy of positive attention. Make a list on the board.
Danny and Henry were walking through the park near their home and noticed a lot of litter. They picked up cans and threw them into a bag to be recycled.
Eloise's father asked her to be at home right after school so she could babysit for her little sister and brother. She told her friends that she wouldn't be able to go out with them after school and came home.
Tony needed to cross a busy street to get t the store, but instead of rushing into the street to make the cars stop for him, he went to the street corner and waited for the crosswalk light to change. Then he walked across.
Alison was angry at her best friend for forgetting to return a necklace that she borrowed. Alison wanted to yell at her friend, but decided to calm down and wait before talking to her friend. The next day she didn't feel angry, and her friend apologized.
Is this an example of being a good citizen, treating others wll or making good choices?
Is this an example of being a good citizen, treating other well, or making good choices
Is this an example of being a good citizen,
treating others well or making good choices?
Is Eloise being a good citizen, treating others well, or making good choices?
Pete and Devon noticed a wallet on the street with some money , credit cards, and photographs inside. They picked it up and found enough identification to locate the owner, so they called him and returned the wallet.
Denny's friend wanted him to join them in skipping school. Denny had a big test that day and told his friends that he needed to go to school.
Sara knew that her mother was worried
about losing her job. Sara decided to make
her mother a nice salad when she came
home, and she cleanded the house without
being asked.
Kara was walking down the hall when a girl accidentally knocked into her and made her drop her books. The girl felt very bad and almost started to cry. Kara laughed and told her not to worry about it.
Is this an example of being a good citizen, treating others well, or making good choices?
Is this an example of being a good citizen, treating others well, or making good choices?
Is this an example of being a good citizen, treating others well or making good choices?
Did any of the examples mention the way a person looked?
In examples 3 and 6, what choices did the people have? How did the good choices help the people?
How do examples 2, 4, and 8 consider others while being a good citizen?
1. Give an example of someone being a good
2. Give an example of someone treating others well.
3. Give an example of someone making a good choice.
Pass out worksheet 1.2 Honesty
We will be learning about honesty, on this worksheet we wil fill in the sentences to make these people demonstrate good character by using honesty.
How are other people affected by the honest behavior in these examples?
1. I gave the clerk a $10 bill and she gave me way too much money back. What should I do?
My friend invited me to go bowling, but I already promised someone else that I would go out with him. I don't want to hurt my friend's feelings.
My mother asked if I finished all of my choresI was supposed to do. I didn't get tem done, but it was because I had to help my next-door neighbor. I am not sure my mother will listen to my excuses though.
How could you show honesty if you bought a sweatshirt at the store and when you looked in the bag, you had accidentally taken some socks that you didn't pay for?
Why should you tell the usher who was throwing popcorn?
Everyone look at question #1 on your worksheet, why would returning the money matter if the clerk didn't know she had made a mistake?
Everyone look at number 5 on your worksheet, how was being honest taking a risk in this situation?
You should be honest and tell the usher so that the movie theater is a friendly place for others in the future.
One risk might be that if the kids who were throwing popcorn found out that you told on them, they might be angry at you.
The clerk will have to pay for the mistake out of her own pocket. If you are honest and give the money back, she won't have to pay for her mistake.
Allow time for discussion
allow time for discussion
What should I do?
Should I keep the money?
Should I give the money back to the clerk?
Should I lie to my friend and tell him that my parents grounded me and I can't go?
Should I be honest to my friend and tell him that I already have plans made?
should I tell my mom that I didn't get my chores done because I had to help my neighbor?
Should I lie to my mom and tell her that I got my chores done
I should give the money back to the clerk, that shows that I am an honest person!
I should be honest with my friend and tell him that I can't go bowling because I already made plans with someone else.
I should be honest with my mom and tell her that I didn't finish my chores because I was helping my neighbor.
Extension Activities
I was rushing to get my math assignment done. Carol said I could copy her paper if I wanted to. What should I do?
Some kids were throwing popcorn around in the movie theater. The usher asked me which kids were causing the problem. What should I do?
My aunt asked me to takese boxes to the post office before noon so they could get out in today's mail. She is gone, so she won't know whether I did it or not.
I want you to think of someone who you consider to be a very honest person. I want you to write a short paragraph describing the person and the person's honesty.
I should finish my math assignment by myself.
I should copy Carol's math assignment so I can turn it in and be done with it.
What should I do?
I should do my math assignment by myself, If I copy of Carol's, I would be cheating.
I should take the boxes to the post office before noon so they can make today's mail.
My aunt is gone, she will never know if I take the boxes to the post office before noon. I am going to take a nap and take the boxes after I wake up.
I should tell the truth and tell the usher who was throwing popcorn.
I should lie and say that I didn't see who threw the popcorn.
I should take the boxes to the post office before noon so that they can be shipped on time.
I should tell the truth and tell the usher who was throwing the popcorn.