Cherokee Timeline
The Trail of Tears
1828- 38 AD
Gold is found within the boundaries of the Cherokee nation, and much conflict over the rightful ownership of the land, the Cherokee were forced to move from their homeland. This resulted in much outbreak of disease as well as death from starvation as many were kept in military stockades with little hygiene and feed unhealthy food for an entire summer. In the process at least 4,000 of the 15,000 relocated Cherokee died, which is why this terrible time was named as 'The Trail of Tears.'
1450 AD
The first major Cherokee village is made, and is called Tugaloo Old Town
Cherokee rights are established by the legislature in North Carolina!
Sadly in the same year non-indian settlers move into the Cherokee Nation, and nothing is done to move them out.
Archaic Period
At this time the Cherokee developed some trading routes and also started to make pottery
10,000-8000 BC
Paleo-Indian Period
Cherokee tribes were present, known at the time as the 'Nomadic' tribes, and were present in North Carolina.
1000-900 BC
Woodland Period
1629-73 AD
During this time the Cherokee started agriculture, made permanent houses out of logs and ceremonial 'mounds.'
2000 AD
1000 BC
Trading begins between the English and the Cherokee.
1684 AD
1785 AD
Early 1800's
1761-65 AD
The first treaty is made
with the Cherokee.
At this time the British were taking captive some of the Cherokee and bringing them back to London
At this point in time, many of the Cherokee had started to take on some white ways, and had even developed a government similar to that of the United States and Christian churches.
The treaty of Hopewell takes place. The Cherokee thought that this would be the end of the invasion of the 'white people' into their lands.
The Cherokee try to negotiate peace with the U.S, and the new treaty limits their right to land.
1730 AD
A man named Sir Alexandra Cuming set out on a mission to secure the Cherokee's allegiance with the British. He is successful and convinces them to summit to British rule.
A supreme court is made by the Cherokee, and a new council house is made
8000 BC
1000 AD
2001 AD
10000 BC
1540 AD
Automobile tagged are issued in the Cherokee Nation.
1738 AD
The first group of white people enter Cherokee country, called the 'DeSoto of Spain.' these are supposedly the first whites' seen by any of the Cherokee tribes.
An out break of the disease, small pox, kills 25-50% of the Cherokee population.
1993 AD
The U.S government agrees to allowing the Cherokee nation to have a self-serving government, and so the Cherokee sign a self-government compact.
Cherokee War (1760-61 AD)
Even though some Cherokee leaders asked for peace, the Cherokee declared open war against the British in 1759. The Cherokee sadly lost the War, with their numbers being only just over 1000, against an army of over 2,500 British men.