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Contemporary Relevance

  • Children today are still bullied because of their differences from the others.
  • Those who are classed as different suffer social rejection and the feeling of isolation
  • Therefore i have decided to focus on the idea of how feeling like an outsider can affect a person and how being isolated can effect them.
  • I am also interested in the idea of hearing voices in her head.

Plot and characters

  • My proposed drama focuses on two sisters and their mother.
  • Similar to Antigone they have lost relatives of their family due to conflict. However this conflict is WW2 and the year is 1944 and the location is Nazi occupied Warsaw.
  • Their father is in a concentration camp and her brother has "vanished" by the authorities for his opposing views and speaking out.
  • One sister wants to start an uprising and stand up for what is morally right and liberate the concentration camps whilist the other wants a quiet life and believes that speaking out will only make matters worse and draw unwanted attention

form,genre,structure and style

  • The form of my drama will be a play
  • The genre will mainly be a drama though their will be elements of action towards the end
  • The structure will be non linear as we will go back into both of the sisters pasts to see their life before war torn Poland
  • The acting throughout the drama will be Naturalistic.

Bondagers by sue glover

Antigone by sophocles

Performance concepts

  • The two sisters are the main characters and their contrasting personalities and views of what is acceptable are very important
  • Sister 1 uses her posture and stance to come across as stubborn and angry whilist sister2 uses her posture and stance to come across as relaxed and calm.
  • however as the play develops sister 2 becomes nervous for her fathers safety and starts to develop nervous mannerisms whilist sister 1 appears to become more confident.
  • In terms of voice there should be a strong contrast between they two as the drama develops.

Key Interests from the text:

Key Interests from the text:

  • The conflict in Antigone happens because of the clashing ideas that Creon and Antigone have.
  • They have similar motivations; they both want society to follow the rules however their rules are differnt from each other.
  • Antigone believes that it is only fair that her brother Polynices should be burried as well, however Creon viewed him as a traitor who should be punished.
  • this creates conflict as they have clashing ideas on what is morally right and that Antigone believes in equality for her brother.

Design concepts and Dramatic purpose

Contemporary Relevance

  • Conflict occurs today because of clashing views on what is considered to be morally right
  • Those in power believe their ideas to be morally superior to those opposed - such as Creon throwing Antigone in a cave
  • I have decided that the idea of what can be considererally right would be the most important theme present in my drama
  • I am also interested in exploring the idea of social justice and conflict.
  • The set will be minimal and focuses on the idea of poverty during the war and the fact that many had to go into hiding from the authorities to prevent being taken away.
  • A wash will be used to enhance the idea of them having the bear minimal, and a straw coloured gel will be used for when flashbacks of life before the war occur.
  • The main message of my drama will be that what one person views as morally right will not be the same for everyone.
  • An ideal target audience would be teenagers as the two main characters are teenagers andthere will be some more mature themes like death that younger audiences could find frightening.

  • The social rejection in Bondagers stems from the fact that Tottie's dad left her.
  • Tottie is bullied and isolated from society because of her dad leaving her and in this period it is socially unacceptable.
  • Tottie hears the bullying in her head throughout the play.

performance concepts


  • The character of Tottie is the central character and her eractic behaviour is very important.
  • Tottie will uses her posture and stance to appear fine and normal.
  • When she starts to hear the voices she will have nervous mannerisms and hold her hands to her head and she will have bad posture and be hunched over
  • In terms of voice she should have a loud volume and angry/sad tone when she talks to the voices
  • The form of my drama will be a play.
  • The genre will primarily be a family drama with elements of a thriller nearing the end.
  • The structure is non linear as there will be flashbacks towards the end as we see the reason why Tottie killed her father.
  • The acting in the drama is naturalistic

Plot and characters

design concepts and dramatic purpose

Drama stimulus ideas

  • My proposed drama will focus on the character of Tottie.
  • Like Bondagerswe will see Tottie hear voices in her head however this play is set in modern day.
  • Tottie believes that she lives a normal life with her mother and father she tells them that people are making fun of her and we believe that she is being bullied .
  • she starts hearing voices making fun of her and telling her to do evil acts.
  • She hears the voices telling her to kill her father, then we realise that Totties father is actually dead and that the vouces we are hearing are her therapists and that it was Tottie who killed her father.
  • A wash will be used when tottie believes that she is just having a normal day.
  • A steel wash will be used when she is talking to her therapists to enhance the cold atmosphere.
  • the set will be minimal and look like an ordinary house .
  • When talking to her therapists there will be minimal set to focus on the idea that she is in hospital.
  • The main message of my drama will be that you can't trust certain narrators as Tottie is an unreliable narrator as she doesnt tell us the full story.
  • My ideal target audience is teenagers as the character is that age and the ideas can be complicated for a younger audience.
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