Don't Forget These Things... Or Else
Captions: All The Things To Know Part 1
Some Basics
- Your interview questions! (To be discussed soon)
- In 8pt font
- Grades written as (grade #) and after students name
- Ex for freshmen: (09)
- Or... Freshman Carissa Pauley
- Name and grade are ALWAYS bold-ed if font allows
- Caption boxes with multiple captions:
- # of caption should go before the caption headline.
Let's Write
Lead-in or "Caption Headline":
creative headline for a caption that stands our and captures the readers interest.
Some Questions
Let's write a caption for this photo
- What do you think is the most common type of caption in the Retro book?
- True or False: In our book we generally mix a quote into the caption.
- Why or why not?
A title, brief explanation, or comment accompanying an illustration
What The Heck Is The Difference?
The Basics For Retro Interviews
Captions vs. Copy
- Remember your interview log
- True or False: We can interview over the phone or social media.
- Write your questions remembering your photo, and the 5 W's and H
- Ask follow up questions!!!
- Remember to have the student sign the interview log
If Something Goes Wrong In An Interview...
Suitable source material for journalism: "content"
- Find a picture
- For this picture you're going to act like you're interviewing a student and come up with 5-6 quality questions for the interview
- Answer those questions
- Complete the 3 step process worksheet using the answers
- Write the extended caption
- Don't forget your caption headline!!
- You will turn in your photo, interview q's + a's, 3 step process worksheet, and finished caption