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Some of our favorites:

Works sited:

Please join this Google Classroom for our workshop today!

  • Clementi, D. & Terrill, L.: The Keys to Planning for Learning, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2013
  • Krashen, S.: The Power of Reading 2nd Edition, Heinemann, 2004
  • Pogrow, S.: Teaching Content Outrageously: How to Captivate ALL Students and Accelerate Learning, Jossey-Bass, 2009
  • Trelease, J. The Read-Aloud Handbook 7th Edition, Penguin Books, 2013
  • Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J.: Understanding by Design 2nd Edition, ASCD, 2005
  • Wilhelm, J.: "You Gotta Be the Book," Teachers College Press, 2008
  • Brandon Brown quiere un perro (novice)
  • Las aventuras de Isabela (novice) Mexico, each chapter is its own story
  • Los agentes secretos (novice) España, arte
  • Esperanza (novice) Guatemalan Civil War
  • Frida Kahlo (novice/intermediate) art, politics, relationships
  • La llorona (novice/intermediate) modernized version of the legend
  • Vida y muerte en la Mara Salvatrucha (intermediate) El Salvadorean Civil War, gangs, identity
  • La Guerra Sucia (intermediate) Dirty War in Argentina
  • La hija de sastre (intermediate) Spanish Civil War
  • Esperanza renace (advanced) Mexican Revolution, Dust Bowl, immigration
  • Senderos Fronterizos (advanced) Memoir of Francisco Jimenez, immigration, family, personal identity, human rights


Pancho Carrancho:

  • Write a sentence about one thing you want to do today EN ESPAÑOL on a blank piece of paper big enough to see across a room
  • Make a circle (or two)
  • Teacher uses a timer and bell
  • Students start by saying "Pancho Carrancho no quiere ____, Pancho Carrancho quiere ____ (choosing a sentence from another student).
  • That student keeps it going
  • Bell rings, student that's talking is out!


Brandon Brown hace trampa cap. 1

Reading Strategies:

Reader's Theatre

Comprehension checks (Formative assessments)

  • Never ask novice students to read aloud
  • Use your teacher voice and read aloud *
  • Pair reading (give them jobs)*
  • Audio books
  • Sentence strips (review and repetition)
  • Doodle the story *
  • Personalize
  • Running dictation *
  • Reader's Theatre

Kiva ejemplo

-- Este documento es muy importante porque tiene todas las precauciones necesarias --les dice el director de la escuela a un grupo de maestros.

El director parece nervioso. Habla con voz muy seria.

--¡Es muy importante estar alerta! No quiero un desastre en mi escuela --les dice con voz firme.

Curioso, Brandon observa al grupo. El director les da un paquete de papeles a los maestros. En la parte del frente del paquete dice: "Liam Bradley - CONFIDENTIAL". A Brandon le parece que es una situación importante... una situación seria. Se pregunta: "¿Liam Bradley? ¿Por qué es necesario estar alerta?"

El director continúa hablando:

--Este paquete tiene información e instrucciones importantes. Guarden el paquete. La información es confidencial.

En ese momento, la secretaria nota que Brandon lo está observando todo. Ella está irritada.

--Brandon --le dice la secretaria con voz firme--. ¿Qué quieres?

--Tengo mi formulario médico --le responde Brandon, un poco alarmado. Brandon le da el formulario a la secretaria.

Find a partner that teaches

the same language.

Use the texts provided and..

TOGETHER, fill out the


  • Class effort
  • Props
  • Screen play
  • Add characters
  • Triple the input!
  • Cultural
  • Film it!
  • Frequently
  • Not "graded"
  • Use it to guide instruction
  • Feedback
  • Listening (interpretive)

How to teach a novel

Getting the repetition...

Summative Assessment...

Why novels?

Our first priority as language teachers is:

What are your goals?

What do 21st Century Learners want to be able to do?

TPRS demo:

Narrate the story with

  • PQA (Personalized Questions/Answers)
  • Charades, Catch Phrase, Box of Lies, Word Sneak, etc...
  • Infographics
  • Songs
  • MovieTalk
  • Facilitate Target-Language Comprehensibility (Core Practice #1)
  • Language acquisition comes from INPUT not OUTPUT
  • Compelling input appears to eliminate the need for motivation.
  • When you get compelling input, you acquire whether you are interested in improving or not. (Krashen, 2014

  • Cast the book
  • Service projects
  • Letters to
  • Narrate the story
  • VLOG with
  • Arpilleras (art with description
  • Assessment CHOICE boards

Word Sneak...

"Teachers are selling something that their clients really don't think they want, and they're doing it to groups of 30 or more five or six times a day."

Guide Learners through Interpretive Authentic Resources

(Core practice #5)


are brightly-colored patchwork pictures made by groups of women (also known as arpilleristas) in Chile during the military dictatorship in Chile (1973 - 90).

Box of lies

To create a strong sense of community in our classroom so our students feel safe and comfortable taking risks and creating with the language.

ACTFL's 2nd Core Practice: Design Oral Interpersonal Communicative tasks

Pre-read novels

  • actively USE the language
  • relate to cultural understandings beyond the classroom

Novice level readers:

Choosing a novel...

Jeffery Wilhelm, You Gotta Be the Book, 2008

Interpersonal and presentational WRITING

Language learning is no longer limited to what learners KNOW about the language, but focuses on what they can DO with the language.

The CULTURE is how you hook them!


  • Based on learning goals and proficiency level of students
  • Compelling, Cultural, Comprehensible?
  • Plan With the Backward Design Model (Core Practice #3)
  • look for verbs, phrases, and vocabulary words to "pre-teach"
  • look for cultural products, practices, and perspectives
  • look for scenes that would be good for Reader's Theatre
  • look for ways to make it personal and compelling to the student
  • Memes
  • Tweets
  • Love letters from character perspective
  • Recommendations
  • Predictions
  • Describe illustrations

  • Create a cultural simulation to take students out of their comfort zone and to gain a different perspective.
  • Reader's Theatre "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will understand." (Pogrow, 2009)
  • Music and MovieTalk
  • PROPS (huge sunglasses, feather boa, fake flowers)
  • Authentic resources
  • Guest speakers

(Clementi & Terrill 2013)

Reader's Theatre: Hija de sastre

Emilia the daughter is eavesdropping on her parents' conversation about their "Secret"

Darcy Pippins, M.Ed., NBCT

Finalist, ACTFL Teacher of the Year 2016

SWCOLT Regional Teacher of the Year 2016

OK State Teacher of the Year 2015

Twitter: @darcypippins

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