James worked with a guy named Sean Stussy. James left Sean and began to make Supreme. James based Supreme off of Sean Stussy.
about resellers
The founder of Supreme was James Jebbia. He open Supreme in 1994 in a storefront on Lafayette Street in downtown New York.
James came up with the idea while working with Sean. It was April 1994 when the idea came to him. it was 1995 when the idea came to life. It was a huge.
James was in fact British. He was born in the United States. He moved to England at the age of 19. It cost $12,000 to open Supreme in 1995. James was a child actor. He played Thomas Waston on a BBC series.
James does not own the name Supreme because he cannot trademark it. Supreme had made a 24inches cruiser bikes in Brooklyn machine works in 2000. They ld $1,800 a piece. 2012 Jame's net worth was about 40 million. In 2003 Supreme tried to release Nike Dunk Lows but were rejected.
Supreme paid $20,000 to buy a parody brand called shortypop in 2010. Supreme worked with Lady Gaga in 2010.