- Attendance Management System is software developed for daily student attendance in colleges and institutes.
- It facilitates to access the attendance information of particular student in a particular class.
- In short, this system is used to mark the number of days Present/Absent in any academic year of students in a college, school etc.
- This system will also help in evaluating attendance eligibility criteria of a student.
- The purpose of developing this attendance management system is to computerize the traditional way of taking attendance in classes and also manage student information along with their classes and subjects.
- This software also generate the reports automatically.
Attendance Management System
Project By:
Technologies Used
Front-End: C++
Back-End: Text File & Data File
Urvin Mistry 130423116006
Ganesh Kumhar 130423116004
Dilip Maurya 130423116005
Domain Analysis
Guided By:
Mr. Mukesh Patel
Attendance Management System,
Attendance, Software, Student,
College, Institutes, Class,
Lectures, System, Ages,
School, Project, Present,
Absent, Faculty, Subject, Admin
Good Classes
Bad Classes
-> Attendance
-> Student
-> Faculty
-> Subject
-> Admin
-> Software
-> College
-> Institutes
-> Class
-> Ages
-> School
-> Project
-> Present
-> Absent