Noli Me Tangere : A Diagnosis of Filipino Society
= written by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Zaide & Zaide, 1999)
= portrayed the brutalities committed by American slave owners against their Negro slaves.
The Writing of the Noli Me Tangere
•The Plot of the Novel
The Characters in the Noli Me Tangere
The Filipino Society as Pictured in the Noli
First reactions to the Noli
Attacks and Defenses of the Noli Me Tangere
Rizal -May 11, 1887by train bound to Dresdenand Viola to Dresden (via train)
Leitmeritz (via train)
Pragne (capital of Czechoslovakia, via Brunn)
Vienna (capital city of Austria – Hungary)
Lintz and Rheinfall
Rizal, Germany and Blumentritt
Plan to return to the Philippines
Rizal arrives in Manila
Back to Calamba
Terrero summoned Rizal to malacanang
Calamba Agrarian problem
Trials Rizal went through For His Advocacy
Rizal leaves Calamba
Dr. Czepelak and Dr. Klutschak
-> well known scientist in Europe
-Turin, Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome
3 Factors that gave rise to Rizal – Blumentritt friendship
Shared love for the Philippines and for the Filipinos
Plan to return to the Philippines
1887- Rizal decided to return to his homeland.
3.) To find out his effects of his novel.
4.) To find out the cause of Leonor Rivera’s silence.
· Rizal arrives in Manila
- JULY 3, 1887- Rizal left rome by train headed for Marseilles France and boarded to DJEMMAH (Orient via the Suez Canal)
August 5, 1887- he reached manila.
- AUGUST 8, 1887- Rizal arrived in calamba.
Gymnastics, fencing, shooting
Received a letter from Gov. Gen. Terrero
- The hacienda of the Dominican order comprised the whole town of Calamba
- The profits of the Dominican order continually increased.
- The hacienda owner never contributed.
- Tenants were dispossessed.
- High rates of interest were charged
- When the rentals could not be paid the hacienda management confiscated the work animals, tools etc.
- A PROFANATiON (una Profanacion) an essay which attacked the denial of Christian Burial.
- 25 Calambenos were exiled to other parts of the country. (Don Francisco, Paciano, Saturnina, Narcisa and Lucia)
Trials Rizal went through For His Advocacy
- His family was evicted from the Dominican-owned hacienda in his hometown.
- When Mariano Herbosa (brother in law)) died, the Roman Catholic Church refused to give him a Christian burial.
- FEB. 1888- Rizal leaves the country.
- He was 27 years old, a medical practitioner and a recognized man of letter.
= city near Berlin Zaide and Zaide, 1999
a city near Berlin
Frederick the Great
May 18, 1887 in the afrternoon
Potsdam a city near Berlin
– wife of Blumentrit
Statue of Frederick the Great
Dr. Welkomm
history professor at the University of Prague
Bacteriological Laboratory
Pragne (capital of Czechoslovakia, via Brunn)
Tomb of Nicolaus Copernicus
Ave where San Juan Nepomuceno
was jailed
Museum of Natural History
May 13, 1887 - Rizal and Viola arrived in the afternoon
May 11, 1887
= by train bound to Dresden
Ferdinand Blumentrit
Hotel Krebs
Rosa – wife of Blumentrit
Dr. Welkomm – history professor at the University of Prague
Dr. Adolph B. Meyer
Dr. Czepelak and Dr. Klutschak
well known scientist in Europe
9:30am, May 17, 1887 bound for Prague
Dr. Jagor
Turin, Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome
May 20, 1887
Hotel Metropole
Capital of the ancient Rome Empire
Danube River
St. Peter’s Dome by Michaelangelo and Giacomo dela Porta
Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul
St. Peter’s Basilica
– first known Christian church dedicated
during the time of Emperor
Coliseum and Roman Forum
May 27, 1887
arrival in Munich
Lintz and Rheinfall
Munich – Ulm
(having the largest and tallest cathedral in Germany)
From Munich – Nuremberg – horrible
torture machines
–Stutgartt, Baden and Rheinfall (Bin waterfall)
Sketch of Blumentritt made by Rizal
June 6, 1887
– protest was communicated
by Rizal to Blumentritt
(most beautiful and frequented city of Switzerland)
Basel, bern, and Laussane
– small boat – Geneva
Leman Lake
Viola returned to Barcelona
June 23, 1887
– toured Italy
-Capital of the ancient Rome Empire
-St. Peter’s Dome by Michaelangelo and Giacomo dela Porta
- St. Peter’s Basilica – first known Christian church dedicated during the time of Emperor Constantine
- Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul
- Coliseum and Roman Forum
Leman Lake
- Sober
- earnest
- industrious
- progressive and
- prosperous
June 23, 1887 – toured Italy
Viola returned to Barcelona
a city near Berlin
May 18, 1887 Rizal and Viola arrived in the afrternoon
Frederick the Great
1.)Financial difficulty in calamba.
2.)Dissatisfaction with his studies in Madrid.
3.) Desire to prove that there has no reason to fear of going home.
4.) His belief that the Spanish regime will not punish the innocent.
•Pragne (capital of Czechoslovakia, via Brunn)
Dr. Welkomm –> history professor at the University of Prague
May 11, 1887- Rizal and Viola left Berlin by train bound to Dresden
Ferdinand Bumentritt
The former Hotel Krebs where Rizal stayed.
At this train station Rizal arrived from Germany.
Dr. Czepelak and Dr. Klutschak -> well known scientist in Europe.
9:30am May 17, 1887 bound for Prague
Affinity of temperaments and affections
-Tomb of Nicolaus Copernicus
-Museum of Natural History
-Bacteriological Laboratory
-cave where San Juan Nepomuceno was jailed
May 20, 1887 - Rizal and Viola arrived at Vienna
capital city of Austria- hungary
1.) To operate his mother’s eyes.
2.) To serve peole oppressed by the Spaniards.
Dr. Adolf Mayer
Dr. Jaggor
May 27, 1887 arrival in Munich
= used by Rizal to call to have a sense of national identity as a Filipino.
Hotel Metropole
Danube River
From Munich – Nuremberg – horrible torture machines
= with the subtitle Custombres Filipinas (Philippine Customs).
= novel by Pedro Paterno.
= delved on aspect of the Filipino culture
FATHER FAURA showed Rizal the image of Sacred Heart of Jesus
Munich – Ulm (having the largest and tallest cathedral in Germany)
Ulm – Stutgartt, Baden and Rheinfall (Bin waterfall)
•A Proposal on Writing a Novel about the Philippines
= motivation of Rizal to write a novel about the Philippines.
= perceived by Rizal as reflection of the spirit of the social, moral, and political life during his time.
•Ideas on Writing a Novel about the Philippines
Group 4
Cenal, Kurtney
Pama, Rose Paulene
Rodriguez, Alona
Suazo, Jessa
February 21, 1887
= finished the novel at Berlin, Germany
= Rizal started writing the Noli Me Tangere.
Touch Me Not
March 21, 1877
= came off the press
= translation of Noli Me Tanegere in English
Recorded in the history of human sufferings is a cancer so malignant, a character that the least touch irritates it and awakens in it the sharpest pains. Thus, how many times, when in the midst of modern civilizations I have wished to call thee before me, now to accompany me in memories, now to compare thee with other countries, hath thy dear image presented itself showing a social cancer like to that the other!
Desiring thy welfare, which is our own, and seeking the best treatment, I will do with thee what the ancients did with their sick, exposing on the steps of the temple so that everyone who came to invoke the Divinity might offer them a remedy.
And to this end, I will strive to reproduce thy condition faithfully, without discriminations; I will raise a part of the veil that covers evil, sacrificing to truth everything, even vanity itself, since, as thy son I am conscious that also suffer from thy defects and weaknesses.
Purpose of Rizal for writing Noli Me Tangere:
•To picture the past and the realities in the Philippines;
•To reply to insults heaped on the Filipinos and their country;
•To unmask the hypocrisy that have impoverished and brutalized the Filipino people;
•To stir the patriotism of the Filipino people.
•The Writing of the Noli Me Tangere
Don Rafael Ibarra
Dona patrocinio
Juan Crisostomo Ibarra
= Crisostomo’s father
= affluent landlord with a social conscience
= main character in the novel
= affluent and liberal European-educated Filipino
= mistress of the Alferez
= possess an imprudent, vulgar, cruel and quarrelsome attitude
Pilosopo Tasyo
= represented the Filipino masses in the novel
= represented Rizal’s epitome of a philosopher
= perceived as a sage and weird or lunatic person
= mother of basilio and crispin
= depicts a typical characteristic of a Filipino mother
Maria Clara
Dona Victorina
The school master of San Diego
= object of Ibarra’s love and affection
= symbolizes the Filipino womanhood in fidelity, coyness, and modesty
= symbolized intellectual dissatisfaction in Filipino Society
= a social climber married to Don Tuburcio de Espadana
= symbolized colonial mentality among some Filipinos
-Government was administered by self-seekers
-Few honest and sincere officials
-Banditry became a way of life
-Friars used the Catholic Church
•The Characters in the Noli Me Tangere
Rizal’s Diagnosis of Filipino Society
Friars are enemies
•The Filipino Society as Pictured in the Noli
•Rizal’s Diagnosis of Filipino Society
Noli me Tangere as a Charter of Filipino Nationalism
-Schumacher, 1997
-Regain self-confidence
-Appreciate self-worth
-Return to the heritage of his ancestors
-Assert himself as a co-equal of the Spaniards
-Insists on the need for education
-Dedication to the country
-Assimilating the aspects of Western cultures that could enhance native traditions
-Reforms needed in Filipino society
- Antonio Regidor
- Ferdinand Blumentritt
- Archbishop Payo
- Gov. General Emilio Terrero
- Father Salvador Font
- Rizal and Viola to Dresden (via train)
- Leitmeritz (via train)
- Pragne (capital of Czechoslovakia, via Brunn)
- Vienna (capital city of Austria – Hungary)
- Lintz and Rheinfall
- Switzerland
- Italy
- Rizal, Germany and Blumentritt
- Plan to return to the Philippines
- Rizal arrives in Manila
- Back to Calamba
- Terrero summoned Rizal to malacanang
- Calamba Agrarian problem
- Trials Rizal went through For His Advocacy
- Rizal leaves Calamba
•First Reactions to the Noli
- Fernando Vida
- Vicente Barrantes
- Anonymous(signed by a Friar)
- Fr. Salvador Font
- Fr. Jose Rodriguez
- Fr. Francisco Sanchez
- Fr. Vicente Garcia
- Marcelo H. del Pilar
- Ferdinand Blumentritt
•Attacks and Defenses of the Noli Me