Acidity and Tooth decay.
- Numerous court cases about acidity.
- Acidic drinks increases risk of tooth damage.
- Evidence shows Coca Cola isn't the worst.
North Korea
- One of the most well-known brands in the world
- Operates in over 200 countries
- Coca cola is a multi-billion dollar company
Coca Cola Headquarters
Atlanta Georgia
How Coca Cola
spreads throughout the world?
The most popular drink in the USA
Impact of Coca-Cola
on health
John Perberton
- The inventor of Coca Cola
- Invented in the late 19th century
- Medical College of Georgia in Macon
- Morphine Addict
- Opium-free alternatives to morphine
Coca Leaves
Cola Nuts
Asa Candler
- Co-founder of Coca-Cola
- 44th Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia
- In 1888 he bought the formula for Coca-Cola
Do you know how old Coca Cola is?
The world wide average coke consumption a year is 92 bottles per person
- Phosphoric Acid in Coca-Cola and Diet Coke.
- Aspartame, or AminoSweet.
- Food dyes and other chemicals.
- Regular coke dropped 2%, Diet coke 7 %
World War II
Funny Pictures
Myth: The modern image of Santa Claus was created by Coca Cola
Myth: The U.S.A is the Biggest consumer of Coca Cola in the World
Myth: Coca Cola had cocaine before .
That's how i lost my job
Some Slogans for Coca-Cola
From 1886 to 2009...
Myth: Coca Cola was originally green
If you look on a bottle of Coke...
1952 - What You Want is a Coke
1985 - America's real choice
1988 - You Can't Beat the Feeling
2005 - Make It Real
2006 - The Coke Side of Life
2009 - Open Happiness
1886 - Drink Coca-Cola
1904 - Delicious and Refreshing
1906 - The great national temperance beverage
1923 - Enjoy Thirst
1924 - Refresh Yourself
1932 - Ice Cold Sunshine
Coca Cola is
- Worlds largest
- 130.600 employees
- 25% of all carbonated beverages
- 2 billion servings a day
- Old company, long history
- Enormous and globalized
- The recipe is top secret
- Massive health consequences
- The strength - commercials
What is
Today's Agenda
- Coca Cola
- History
- Globalization
- The Secret
- Consequences
- Commercials
- Conclusion
Presented by :
Marc Olsen
Tobias Molbo
Mikkel Stoffersen
Kristian Mærkedahl