1611 - Everything Changes
- In 1611 man Named Henry Hudson first to discover area known as Hudson's Bay
- Discovers more of Canada than previously thought.
Europeans begin to explore Manitoba
First Nations way of life
- Sir Thomas Button in 1612, who named the Nelson River.
- Henry Kelsey was the first European to travel from Hudson Bay to the prairies, reporting the bison and grizzly bears that he saw.
The History of Manitoba
- Ojibwa people subsisted by hunting, fishing and gathering. They resided largely in dome-shaped birchbark dwellings known as wigwams, and often made use of tipi-shaped dwellings.
- Travelled by birchbark canoe in warm weather and snowshoes in winter
- traditional lands are in the Plains
- participants in the buffalo hunt and the fur trade
- Assiniboine people in forests and parklands also hunted big game (deer, elk and moose) and snared small furbearers for food and tanned hides
Europeans Begin fur trading with First Nations
- Winnipeg officially a city in 1873.
- Railroad brings lots of people for cheap farmland.
- Louis Riel returns. John A McDonald order him put to death.
- Hero to some. Not to others
- Town of Flin Flon founded in 1927 by Hudbay.
How did people get here in the first place?
- The First peoples came to Manitoba around 10, 000 years ago.
- They came over the land bridge and spread out over time
- Over time Hudson's Bay sends more and more fur traders.
- Traded european Items (Pots, knives, weapons to animal furs to take back to Europe
The First peoples
- Different tribes of Aboriginal peoples lived off the land for thousands of years.
- Included Ojibwa, Cree, Dene, Sioux, Mandan, and Assiniboine.
2011 Jets return to Winnipeg
2014 Mr . Bolton moves to Manitoba
Recent important Events in Manitoba
General Strike of 1919. 30,000 works
Red River Flood of 1950 = 500 million dollars damage
- Louis Riel kills Thomas Scott.
- Canada sends in army.
- Riel flees to U.S.A
- From 1670 to 1870 area around Manitoba known as Rupert's land.
- Owned by Hudson's Bay company.
Manitoba becomes province in 1870
Lot's of Europeans begin to come to Manitoba
- Occurred in 1869 when Canada was trying to create Manitoba.
- Metis people lead by Louis Riel.
- Did not like land being given to Canada. Came in and set up own government.
Manitoba is a Cree word meaning "Great Spirit"
- In 1812 first major city created near what is now Winnipeg. (Selkirk Settlement)
- First Nations not happy about this!