- Theoretical physicist (Dr. Cooper)
- Claims to be right about everything
- most of the humor used in the show has to do with his disorders
Examples of Sheldon's OCD
- Knocking on Penny's door 3 times and says her name over and over
- Has a daily food schedule
- Hates germs and sharing drinks
Therapies or Treatment
Cognitive Behavior Therapy:
- 1 out of 4 patients refuse to have treatment
- It works with exposure to the OCD
- Coming into contact with the things that make them feel the OCD anxious
Different Perspective
Washers- afraid of not being clean
Checkers- repeatedly check things
Doubters- are afraid if everything isn't perfect
Arrangers- are obsessed with order and symmetry that have to do with numbers, colors, etc.
Solomon Asch
- this sociology psychologist would think OCD is because of the people around us
- people affect how we think
- Scientist say it could be genetics
- just the way our brain functions
- Based on personality
- Sweaty hands
- basically feels like anxiety
- Fear of germs
- Fear of causing harm to another
- Feel the need to check the same thing repeatedly
- Fear of making a mistake
- Fear of being social embarrassment
- Hoarders
- Need for order in actions
- A constant need reassurance
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
- Unreasonable thoughts
- Can be repetitive behaviors
- Be in control
- People with this disorder suffer with distress, fears, inflexible, and some anxiety
Sheldon Cooper- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)