Main Characters
w/ description
The Tiger:
The animal who
was causing trouble
in the village.
Pepe Garcia:
The kid with the
rifle who has
to find and kill
the tiger
Juan Aria:
The owner of
the goats that
were attacked
by the tiger
About the author:
The setting is in some
jungle village.
“The Tiger’s Heart” by Jim Kjelgaard is a short story about a boy’s life in a village. His name was Pepe Garcia, the main character. One day, a goat herder named Juan Aria had a goat stolen and eaten by a tiger. Juan needed Pepe’s help, because he had a rifle, and Juan wanted Pepe to go in the jungle, find the tiger, and kill it. No one in the history of the village that Pepe lived in had ever killed a tiger. But Pepe believed that he would be the first one to do so. Pepe went into the jungle with his rifle only and his determination to kill the tiger that ate one of Juan’s goats. While in the jungle, his rifle had a malfunction and he ended killing the tiger with only his little machete knife. He became the first person that his village knew of who killed a tiger with a machete, he became the hero of the village.
The Tiger's Heart
By Jim Kjelgaard