Concept Map
Based on NCTE resource; see Bibliography.
Journal Entry
This artifact summarizes events from Chapter 3, where Jonas begins to "See Beyond" (63).
Personal Letter
Word Clouds from Wordle
Lowry, Lois. The Giver: Gift Edition. New York: Houghton Milton Books for Children, 2011. eBook.
How is Lois Lowry's The Giver an example of dystopian fiction?
ReadWriteThink. "Dystopias: Definition and Characteristics." National Council of Teachers of English & International Reading Association, 2006. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. PDF File.
A Son's Letter
Benefits of our Society*
To Mother, Father, and Lily
The Giver by Lois Lowry exemplifies
the characteristics of dystopian fiction. For one, the society in which Jonas lives is highly restrictive; citizens take pills to quell their emotions or "Stirrings," and "Sameness" prevents deviation of appearance (94). Jonas stands out due to his pale eye color, which the author introduces early on in the novel (20). In spending time with the Giver, Jonas receives memories of happiness and pain which compel him to leave the community and save a newborn, Gabriel, from death. Jonas' rebellion echoes the protagonists of other dystopian novels. The artifacts in the multigenre reflect Jonas' transformation from benign community member to escape artist, beginning with his job assignment and ending with a fictional letter to his parents. In this way, I hope to capture the qualities that make Lowry's book an example of dystopian fiction.
Find the perfect partner and never date again (48).
No need to buy gas. We all ride bicycles (2)!
Guaranteed job security, as our Elders
decide your career (15).
The Community
There is so much you do not know, and I cannot begin to explain these feelings, these memories, in this letter. But I will tell you that the Release is cruel; it is unkind, wasteful... These are the most precise words to describe Father's actions. He is unaware, as you are too, Mother, of pain. Gabriel does not deserve Release because it is a punishment. I have taken Father's bicycle and the baby. There is no use in searching, as I know the Community will try to find me. You live without love; you do not see the colors as I do. I want happiness and home. I hope that one day, you too receive the memories.
Come for the Commonality,
Stay for the Sameness.
Food delivered to your door each day (2).
Nurturers keep newborns safe from
harm (7).
Travel Agent
Joe Smith
Interested? Call 1-800-ALL-SAME
* Some restrictions apply. The success of your stay depends on your ability to eliminate the following:
- Your personality;
- Your passion;
- Your decision-making ability.
Chapter 1
Chapter 23
"Asa Butterfield.", 2012. JPEG File.
Jonas' Diary
"Though he had been reassured by the talk with his parents, he hadn't the slightest idea what Assignment the Elders would be selecting for his future, or how he might feel about it when the day came" (19)
hours tom.
Today, I played a short game of catch with Asher. It felt ordinary at first, the motion of passing an apple back and forth. But then I noticed something. A flash. I can't describe what happened, but the apple looked very different. I brought it home and now it sits on my desk. There's nothing special about it, at least, nothing I can see. Asher didn't notice the change; he made a joke, as always. I wonder what Asher's Assignment will be. Perhaps my anxiety is getting the better of me. The Ceremony of Twelve decides my future, but where do my interests lie? Do the Elders know? It's a mystery, just like the apple I stole. Yes, I stole. The chastisement was brief, and I'm trying not to think about it. But I want to know. What's different about this apple? (24-25).
Position: Receiver of Memory, Elder
Job Title: "The Receiver"
Job Location: Annex, House of Old (68)
Beginning: Immediately
Deadline: Ceremony of Twelve
Expectations: Meet with the Giver to
receive memories (74), experience pain (62),
and act as a consultant when Elders must decide to change
a rule (14).
Requirements: Live and work alone, although
you may apply for a spouse (101)
Salary: Food for one (or more; see above)
Hours: Constant
Approval pending
Leaf from the apple. I used a magnifying glass to inspect it, but it didn't matter...
Mapping the Dystopian Novel
Job Description
Dystopia describes a futuristic society
in which technology, a corporation,
or a totalitarian government exerts
absolute control over its people. Dystopian
fiction includes a "worst-case scenario" that
asks readers to consider the implications of
human behavior, including how we treat
There are at least four powers that exert
control over dystopian societies. They include
corporate control, bureaucratic control, technological
control, and philosophical/religious control.
Ritter, Jane. "Banned Books Week: The Giver, 1993." Mill Valley Public Library, 2012. JPEG File.
Kwon Ko, Dae. "Customer Image Gallery." Amazon, Inc., 2013. JPEG File.
- Characters are apprehensive of the world beyond their community
- Perspective provides insight into the society's problems
- Presence of dehumanization
- Thinks carefully about the society in
which he/she lives
"Divergent (Divergent Series)." Amazon, Inc., 2011. JPEG File.
- On the surface, community appears to have no flaws (utopia)