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New Ways to Measure Intelligence

Intelligence Testing

1.) 1932-> David Wechsler begun his journey into his career as chief psychologist at the Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York, the following year, joined the faculty of the New York University College of Medicine.

2.) At Bellevue, Wechsler examined both children and adults from different variety of backgrounds and with numerous problems.

3.) Wechsler developed the Army Wechsler (1942), the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale in 1955 then in 1981 had revised it, and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence in 1967.

4.) These tests created by David measured the abilities in performing tasks as well as mental abilities. Wechsler had introduced the deviation quotient which is a new calculation that compared individuals with their peer group.

5.) In 1939 David Wechsler had publishe "The Measurement of Adult Intelligence". 1949-> Wechsler participated in a task to Cyprus to construct a mental health program for Holocaust survivors.

1.) the First World War David had worked at a camp known to be Camp Yaphank on Long Island. David did his working with intelligence testing whilst assisting with the army's Psychological Division of the Sanitary Corps at Fort Logan, Texas.

2.) David became an army student at the University of London in 1919 where he studied along those who shared similar interest, Karl Pearson and Charles Spearman. Wechsler had received a two year fellowship to study in Paris with psychologist Louis Lapique and experimental psychologist Henri Pieron.

3.) David's research studied the psycho galvanic response, the changes in electrical conductivity of the skin that accompany emotional changes.


Task 2 - Glossary of Terms




INTELLIGENCE: (Wechsler) -> The Global capacity to act purposefully, think rationally, and deal effectively with the environment.

MENTAL ABILITIES: -> The capacity to perform the higher mental processes of reasoning, remembering, understanding and problem solving.

MENTAL AGE: -> An average mental ability displayed by individuals of a given age.

CHRONOLOGICAL AGE: -> A person precise age based on the date of birth


DEVIATION QUOTIENT: -> Test scores of IQ on an individual's relative standing within their age group. Meaning how far above or below standard the individuals score falls.

VERBAL IQ: -> is the ability to analyze information and solve problems using language-based reasoning.














FULL-SCALE IQ: Evaluates multiple abilities, the IQ tests assess a individual's ability to reason, given both verbal and visual cause.

PERFORMANCE IQ: -> is a score derived from the administration of selected sub tests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, designed to provide a measure of an individual's overall visuospatial intellectual abilities.

THE WECHSLER ADULT INTELLIGENCE SCALE (WAIS): -> Widely used adult intelligence test that includes verbal, perceptual , working memory and processing speed components.

THE WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN (WISC): -> Used intelligence scale for children that provides a Full Scale IQ score as well as verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed index scores.

THE WECHSLER PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY SCHOOL SCALE OF INTELLIGENCE (WPPSI): -> Is heavily influenced by the latest research in cognitive abilities and development.

PSYCHOMETRIC: -> Relating to psychometry or psychometrics.

FACTOR ANALYSIS: -> a process in which the values of observed data are expressed as functions of a number of possible causes in order to find which are the most important.

David Wechsler is an American psychologist and an intelligence theorist born January 12th, 1896, Lespedi, Romania and died May 2nd, 1981, New York, New York, U.S.

Wechsler was the youngest of seven children of Moses S. Wechsler a Hebrew scholar and Leah W. Pascal a shopkeeper.

Receiving his doctorate in1925 from where David had attended and studied at the City College of New York and Columbia University. 1939 Wechsler produced a series of intelligence tests known as the Wechsler- Bellevue Intelligence Scale. In 1949 the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children was published.

David's was influenced by Charles Spearman. However David Wechsler himself became an influence on others like-> Alan S. Kaufman.


Promoting the idea that intelligence includes personality traits and emotional states, as well as mental abilities , and that they are used to measure or assess the intelligent behaviour in one's environment.

One of David's contributions to psychology was that "Intelligence involves the abilities the are necessary to succeed in life".

When evaluating intelligence its best to consider the educational, cultural and socioeconomic factors, of which this thought/ idea was being promoted by David.

David Wechsler and Theory of Intelligence

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