- operculum at top
- knob at bottom
- rosette uterus
- b12 deficiency -- pernicious anemia
Cestodes (tapeworms)
Hymenolepsis nana
(dwarf tapeworm)
Taenia solium
(pork tapeworm)
Taenia saginata
(beef tapeoworm)
- host pigs
- 7-13 uterine branches
- 2 rows of hooks rostellum
- causes cystic cirrhosis
- Transport host: beetles, fleas
- embryo: 2 polar thickenings
- scolex: knob-like
- no rostellum
- largest tapeworm
- 15-30 uterine brnaches
Diplyidium caninum
(dog tapeworm)
Diphyllobothrium latum
(broad/fish tapeworm)
- mother-packet
- cell wall conforms to lobes
- typical in children
Nematodes cont.
Fasciolopsis Bruski
(large intetsinal roundoworm)
Paragonimus wetsergami
(oriental lung fluke)
Clonorchis sinensis
(chinese liver fluke)
- caused by undercooked fish
- large "goose egg shape
- thickening of shell
- mimics TB
- small shoulders
- big bottom/ gets whiter towards bottom
Report as: Fasciola/fasciolopsis ova seen
- broad operculated shoulders
- comma shaped appendage
- looks like a pig
- Nematodes (Roundworms)
- Cestodes (Tapeworms)
- Trematodes (Flukes)
- Arthropods (Arthropoda)
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)
- sheep raising countries
- cirrhosis of liver
- large eggs
E. vermicularis (pinworm)
Trichinella spiralis
Trichuris trichuria
Ascaris lumbricoides
(giant intestinal roundworm)
Schistosome haematobium
(bladder fluke)
Schistosomes mansoni
(mansons blood fluke)
- roundworm of man
- corticated
- covered in "gel"
- 4 forms:
- 2 polar plugs
- football shaped
- rectal prolapse
- Loaf of bread
- double refractive walls
- small children (pinworm paddle)
- muscle biopsy
- muscle ingested
- pigs/rats
- causes urea (blood in urine)
- bladder cancer
- spine @ BACK of ova
- fertilized/corticated
- fertilized/uncorticated
- unfertilized/corticated
- unfertilized/uncorticated
- prominent lateral spine
- swamp fever
- causes eosinophilia
Dracunculus medinensis (Guniea worm)
Strongyloides stercoralis
( Threadworm)
Ancylostostoma duodenale
Necator americanus
Schistosome japonicum
(oriental lung fluke)
- Cannot be differentiated
- "Hookworm Ova Seen"
- Groud itch
- minute spine @ lateral end
- more severe
- lives near GI in veins
- Parthenogenic (no males)
- Eosinophilia
- tissue nematode
- VERY large
- cyclops copepods
- Guinea worm infections
- E. vermicularis
- T. trichuria
- A. lumbricoides
- T. spiralis
- D. medinesis
- S. sterocadlis
A. doudanle (old)
N. americanus (new)
Parasitology 2E-2F
by: AMN Green, A1C Dominguez, A1C Currie, A1C Shelley, SSgt Nunemaker