Russian Air Force Diet
By: Alexandra Oxendine
Russian Air Force Diet
Pro's Of The Diet
How the Diet Came About
Originally created in the former Soviet Union.
The diet would be that you would loose weight and be more fit.
They needed to have the soldiers fit for the cold war the fault in the system was the limited food intake caused a lack in energy witch was not good for soldiering but it's Russia, What do you expect pancakes?
It was created to keep soldiers in shape.
Main food to Avoid
Main Food to Eat
Who The Diet Targeted
Cone's Of The Deit
Coffee and Ham are two constants within the diet.
The Russian Air Force personnel were the ones targeted for the diet, it was practically required so that they could stay fit.
Out side of the limited options you have on the diet you shouldn't eat anything outside of the diet it's a very strict diet with a lot of imitations that need to be followed.
You only eat so much that you are somewhat nourished you wouldn't have any energy so you couldn't exercise and most likely would pass out if too much effort was used.
Weight would return quickly.
One Day Sample
Interesting Facts
The food for the lunch and Dinner selections change everyday to other food options sense it's a 7 day diet.
They would have very low calorie meals throughout the day and then have a larger portion of food for dinner with a large amount of protein.
coffee + toast or saltines
7 ounces of red meat + green salad
5 1/4 ounces of ham + 1 cup yogurt