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Supportive Leadership
BY: Hao Chen
Monica Sun
Alice Wei
Changhao Zhang
2. Supportive leadership is a component of which theory?
A.Scientific management theory
B.Administrative management theory
- Considers the needs of the followers
- Less interests of giving orders and managing details
- Focuses on team harmony
- Very effective when work tasks are dangerous, tedious and stressful
Supportive Leadership is one of the leadership styles found in path-goal theory, it is directed towards the satisfaction
of subordinates needs and preferences .
D.Path-goal theory
C.Situational leadership theory
- Instills confidence
- Increases self-esteem
- Unity
- Positive work environment
1.Supportive leadership is most effective in which one of the following situations?
B. Serving as a conductor of a symphony orchestra
A .Serving as the department chair of the economics department at an university
- Only effective in certain circumstances
- Loses recognition as the team’s leader
- Interrupts the accepted decision-making process
C. Supervising a drill team on an offshore oil rig
D. Working as a project manager on a software development team