Places Nazi Co-ordinated:
Sports clubs,
the gym
swimming clubs,
new focus of military traning
Choir and singing groups had to elect a Nazi leader.
Trade unions
the Red Cross
the town library (a quarter of the books were burned because banned by the Nazis).
Churches, schools, and youth groups were all taken under control.
On May 24th, Johannes Grote, a Socialist from Northeim was arrested. In total twenty-two were arrested and seven were taken to local a concentration camp at Moringen. Others were arrested for minor offences such as insulting the SA or 'spreading false rumours' about the Nazis.
Since 1930, party membership for the Nazis had been rising. When 1933 came around, it had a major increase.
They joined because:
-They were pressurized to join by family.
-Wanted to protect their jobs.
-Some believed passionately in Hitler and the Nazis.
These new members were held under careful watch by the old Nazi members. The question was, were they truly committed to the party, or did they just join because of other reasons?
3. Co-ordination
7. Rush to join the party
2. Terror
There were over fifty separate clubs and organisations which the Nazis wanted to get rid of in Northeim.
They decided to justify that all other organisations in Germany should be under the watchful gaze of a Nazi.
Co-ordination destroyed the social life of Northeim. By autumn of 1933, there was hardly anywhere where people could go to enjoy themselves where it wasn't Nazi-run.
--This made anti-Nazi planning almost impossible.
The Nazis needed to convince Northeimers that violence with which they dealt with their opponents would also fall on anyone who stepped out of line.
They searched houses looking for guns and ammunition.
People began to warn each other what not to do.
4. Persecuting Jews
How the Nazis took control of Northeim
1. Taking over the council
Northeim had about a hundred Jews, on April 1st.
-SA men were posted outside all doors of Jewish businesses. Newspapers told people to boycott these stores.
However, some socialists went out of their way to shop at Jewish-run stores and businesses.
-Jews who had been a part of organizations in Northeim, resigned to avoid the hate from the Nazis.
On June 27th, 1933....All Social Democrats councilors had to resign because their party was banned. For the next 12 years, Northeim council was run by member of the Nazi Party. Anti-Nazis were dismissed from the council.
-One third of Norhtheimers voted for the Social Democrats.
-The Nazi goal was to eliminate all opposition.
-They began with arranging for one Social Democrat councillor to be arrest by the local police.
-Socialist leaders were not allowed to speak up in council meetings.
6. Tackling unemployment
5. Propaganda
On May 26th, was book-burning day. Northeimers purged their own book collections in the public market square.
The Nazis went into a huge business of controlling the newspapers, window displays, selling swastikas, organizing pro-Hitler speeches.
The reason the Nazis got so many votes from the Northeimers, was because of the Depression. Therefore, the Nazis had to do something major in order to get the economy up and running again.
June 1933: More than 500 unemployed.
The Nazis used money from the central government to set them to work.
Book of honor created to keep track of all businesses taken on by unemployed workers
The Nazis marched intensely through the streets of Northeimers throughout the spring and summer.
In March, they started with a massive parade, burning the Weimar flags and putting up the Nazi banners all over Northeim.
Hitler's birthday, April 20th, became a celebration day.
July 24=It was announced at a press conference that the Nazis had eliminated unemployment in Northeim.
1. Most of the money had already been planned by the Weimar Government to go to Northeim. (Well before the Nazis had taken over)
2. Socialists or Communists could not regiter as unemployed so could not get jobs, their jobs were given to Nazis.
3.All uemployed were forced to join the new work, if they did not join the new schemes, they would not get unemployment benefit.
On July 24, it was announced at a press conference that the Nazis had eliminated unemployment in Northeim.
1. Most money to pay for the new jobs had already been planned to reach Northeim by the Weimar government, so it wasn't the Nazis original plan.
2.Socialists or Communists who had been dismissed from their jobs were not included as the 'unemployed'. Their jobs were given to Nazis.
3. All of the unemployed were forced to join the new work schemes, If they did not...They got no unemployment benefit.