Active Immunity & Passive Immunity
- Controls secretion of the pituitary gland
- Interactions with the nervous system and endocrine system happen here
- Organ that produces and releases a substance or hormone is known as Glands.
- Swollen glands mean that your body is fighting some kind of infection or illness.
Types Of Glands
Pituitary glands: Bean sized structure that dangles on a slender stalk of tissue at the base of the skull. The gland is divided into 2 parts.
Types Of Glands
Parathyroid Gland: Located on the back surface of the thyroid gland. Hormones fromthe thyroid gland and the parathyroid glands act to maintain homostasis of calcium levels in the blood.
Anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary. Normal function of these glands is essential for good health.
- The pituitary Gland secrets nine hormones that directly regulate many endocrine glands
Types of glands
Thyroid Gland: located at the base of the neck and wraps around the upper part of the trachea. Plays a major role in in regulating the bodys metabolism.
- Exocrine Glands: Release their hormones, through tube-like structures called ducts, directly to the organ that uses them.
- Sweat and tears
- Endocrine Glands: Release their hormones directly into the bloodstream.
- Active Immunity: This is what causes the reaction to a vaccine.
- Passive Immunity: Occurs when antibodies produced by another animal against a pathogen are injected into the bloodstream.
- Passive Immunity is a defense system against the pathogen.
- Located on top of the kidneys
- The Adrenal Cortex is the outer part of the gland. This produces hormones that are vital for life, such as cortisol which regulates metabolism and helps the body respond to stress.
- The aldosterone helps the body control blood pressure.
Adrenals continued...
- The inner part of the adrenals is called Adrenal Medulla, which produce nonessential hormones.
- Pancreas:
- Located just behind the stomach.
- Gland that produces enzymes that break down proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.
- Adrenal Medulla produces nonessential hormones meaning you do not need them to lives, such as adrenaline, which helps your body react to stress.
Endocrine/ Immune System
by Lenora, Jazmin, and Morgan
Antibodies, T cells, & white blood cells
- White blood cells: There are many different kinds. Some things ta can affect your WBC is allergies.
- Antibodies: Proteins that recognize and bind antigens
- T cells: Procide defense against any infections inside living things.
- White blood cells: Prevent illness, diseases, and inflammation
- Hormones: Chemicals released in one part of the body that travel through the bloodstream and affect the cavities of cells in other parts of the body
- These chemicals are Hormones
- Hormones bind to specific chemical receptor sites, called target cells
Types of Hormones
- Steroid Hormones: Lipids that can cross cell membranes easily, passing directly into the cytoplasm and even into the nucleus of target cells.
Endocrine/ Immune System
Types of Hormones
- Non-steroid Hormones: Generally can't pass through the cell membrane of their target cells.
Controls growth, development, & metabolism; Maintains homeostasis.The endocrine system is made up of glands that release their products into the bloodstream. These products deliver messages throughout the body.
Thymus: A lymphoid organ in the neck vertebrates that creates T cells
Ovaries and Testes continued .....
Testes produce testosterone witch is responsible for sperm production and development of male characteristics( Facial hair and deeper voice)
- Ovaries: Produce estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is required for the development of female characteristics (Wider hips) and for the development of of eggs
- Progesterone prepares the uterus for a fertilized egg
The Immune System
- The Immune System fights infection through the production of cells that inactivate foreign substances or cells.