riker lynch is 21 years old and born november 8th 1998 and the oldest in the band. He plays the bass. rikers favorite coler is blue. Riker is in the move glee.
full name: Ross shore lynch
Born: December 26 1995
raised in little ton Colorado.
in R5 he plays the guitar and sings
he also knows how to play the bass and drums, pionano, and learning the violin.
his favorite coler is yellow
Number one fan is yasmine
R5 band
ross lynch
the band was formed in 2009, wich was sighned by hollywood records.
it has 5 members in all, wich includes ross lynch, riker lynch, ellington, rocky etc.
when they were young they used to put on shows in their basement and charge their family a dollar each.
rydel lynch
ellington ratliff
Ellington Ratliff was born April 14 1993. he is the drummer in the band. he is considered to be the funny one in the group. he love sushi.