On Croton Pythagoras started a religious sect. It was called Pythagoreaism.
His followers became involved in Croton's politics. Others did not like it and they burned down his meeting places.
490 BC
By: Rowan Tatai
Pythagoras learned Geometry from the Egyptians. He learned arithmetic from the Phoenicians.
Pythagoras was born
place of birth: Samos
Pythagoras came up with the Pythagorean Theory.
He and his followers came up with the design of Tetractys. These are mystical symbols that are triangles with four rows.
548 bc
500 bc
500 BC
550 bc
570 bc
529 bc
528 bc
527 bc
526 bc
525 bc
As a young man Pythagoras traveled a lot. Pythagoras travels to Egypt
Pythagoras discovered that musical notes could be changed into mathematical equations.
Pythagoras set up schools. They were set up like a monastery where the followers worked and taught together.