The adventure of Vicent Van Gogh
What tgpe of genre is the starry night?
The painting is modern art becuse it was painted in the 1800's
What is the subject matter of the starry night?
The subject matter conveys a sense of loneliness and deprestion
self potarit of vincent van gogh
Qoutes by Van Gough
- Great things are done by a series of small things brought together
- I feel that there is nothing moret truly artstic then to love people
- The way know life is to love many things
Interesting/ Personal information
- he has over 900 paintings
- he only sold on painting out 900 paintings he did
- vincent cut off his left ear to show that he loved his girlfriend
- he painted in amsterdam
Defenititon of Post-impression
- Post impression is a promdemoinantly
Style or peroid of art
- Van gogh used paint mixtures and camreas for his paitimgs in the storynight
Primary type of artwork
- Some of his primary artwork ia he uses black and wite he picues things in his mind
Place and Date of death
- He died on July 29, 1890
- He died in France
Place of birth and date of birth
- He was born on March 30,1853
- He is from Zundert,Netherland
Kalyn Johnson
8th hour