Ground-Based Radio Navigation Systems
Magnetic compass.
Was developed in the U.S. between 1940 and 1943 , It had accuracy good to about 250 meters.
- Next came the ability to enter space
- GNSS system Navistar GPS (known as GPS)
arrive to GNSS stands for Global Navigation Satellite System.
It was the only reliable means of direction-finding on days when the sun and stars were not visible .
Maps for navigation.
Long before People was using different tools for navigation and getting from one place to another.
Observing North Star at Night
Mariners began to realize that maps would be helpful and began keeping detailed records of their voyages
Using the star by observing the height of the sun during the day and the North Star at night.
History of navigation
Mariner’s compass.
[1] N.Mokhtar.M.Sugisaka.L.T.Lung.A.Hamzah &M.Mubin.N.Md Shah. (2008).Positioning and navigation of mobile robot.
[2] Sextant and Invention The Timepiece.(2013)
[3]History of Navigation.
[4] Richard B.Langley.(2013)The Magnetic Compass and GPS.GPS word.
[5] P. Banerjee. (2013) LORAN C to GNSS – Marching Ahead to Precise Navigation. ept. ECE, ASET, Amity University, Noida, India.
[6] Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).(2011).
[7] Michael Ritter. An introduction to GNSS.
[8] Salgado,G.,S.Abbondanza,R.BlondelandS.Lannelongue(2001).Constellation Availability Concepts for Galileo. Proceeding of the ION National Technical Meeting, Long Beach, California, and January 22-24. pp. 778–786
[9] GLONASS. (n.d.) Computer Desktop Encyclopedia. (1981-2013). Retrieved December 20 2014 from
[10] Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering. (2008). ICD L1, L2 GLONASS.
[11] Chisinau, Moldova. 17 - 21 May 2010.
[12] GMV. (2011). GLONASS Space Segment. Retrieved from
[13] GMV. (2011). GLONASS Architecture. Retrieved from
[14] GMV. (2011). GLONASS User Segment. Retrieved from
These first compasses were very crude.
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Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) an umbrella term for all existing satellite navigation systems that use radio waves to transmit data that indicates the location and the current time of the user.
What is GNSS technology ?!
What we have learned ?!
- GNSS will achieve the efficiency by providing better accuracy and more powerful and secure signals satellites and by reconfigure the architecture to design the most appropriate environment and conditions for maximum efficiency.
- There are Global Navigation Satellite Systems are in development such as Galileo which is currently being developed by the European Union and European Space A and it is expected to be completed in 2019
- Compass is another Global Navigation Satellite Systems under development by china and it is the second generation of its regional BeiDou Satellite Navigation System (BDS).
Global Navigation satellite system (GNSS) is the most optimal solution for solving the issues of navigation because GNSS has the ability of technical interoperability and compatibility between various satellite navigation systems.
Future of GNSS
GNSS is the optimal solution for navigation
Navigation was one of the most issues where ever people going or traveling they try to solve it and many of techniques and ways have been used in different generations starting from sun and stars until many technical systems and devices used nowadays.
(Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema)
- Developed by the European Union and European Space
- Provide a high-precision positioning system for European nations
- Interoperable with the GPS and GLONASS.
- Russian navigation system all over the world
- Use 24 satellites into orbit of three planes
- Provide 3D position and velocity Data equipped on or above the earth's surface
Some types of GNSS :
GPS (Global Positioning System )
- satellites was created by the U.S. Department of Defense.
- Can determine position of location, velocity, and time
- Used anywhere on or near the Earth
Types of GNSS System
Mobile Computing
It consists of three main segments which are:
• The space segment (satellite constellation)
• The control segment (ground control network)
• The user segment (user equipment)
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Components of GNSS System
Dr. Noor AlZaman
First: when Satellite.
Second: Propagation
Third: Reception
Fourth: Computation
Fifth: Application
How GNSS determine the location?