Learning Objective: YWBAT create an orthographic 3-View from an isometric view.
Essential Question: Why are isometric views useful in drafting?
Do Now: (4 min) 1. Label each face (F), vertex (V), and edge (E) on the diagram to the right. Then total the number of each below.
Total Faces = __________
Total Edges = __________
Total Vertices = _________
Unit 4: Engineering
Line Exercises
Based on your work above, define each of the following in your own words:
2. Faces:
3. Edges:
4. Vertices:
Multi-view Drawings
Due today:
Part 1 (12 min) - Complete the orthographic view started yesterday
Part 2 (5 min) - Create a drafting template (border and title block).
- Work quickly on this step! It should take 5 minutes or less!
Part 3 (20 min) - on your template, create the orthographic 3-view from the given isometric image.
- Dimensions on your orthographic 3 view should match those on the page.
3-View Orthographic Projection from an Isometric View
Isometric view: a 3D view in which ALL lines have equal dimensional weight.
Our Entrance Expectations
- On time.
- Enter the room calmly and quietly.
- Notebook and writing utensil out.
- Actively working on the Do Now.
Participation points will be awarded weekly
- Meet all four of the above = 1 point for the day
- Miss any one of the above = 0 points for the day