Procrastination Calculations
There are 168 hours in a week. Based on your calculations, do you have enough time in a week to afford to procrastinate?
Estimate the number of hours you spend on each activity:
Number of hours of sleep each night _______ x 7 = _________
Number of hours spent grooming each day _______ x 7 = _________
Number of hours for meals/snacks each day _______ x 7 = _________
Travel time (to/from campus, walking between classes, etc…) _______ x 5 = _________
Number of hours you watch TV or play video games per day _______ x 7 = _________
Number of hours on the computer per day _______ x 7 = _________
Number of hours on the phone per week ________ =_________
Number of hours per week for regular activities ________ =_________
(athletics, volunteer work, church, clubs, etc…)
Number of hours in class per week ________ =_________
Number of hours reading, studying and completing assignments
outside of class per week _________ =_________
Number of hours per week relaxing, exercising or taking time for yourself =_________
Number of hours per week with friends and family _________ =_________
Number of hours per week of errands, etc… _________ =_________
Total =_________
Journal Entry: What can you do to spot/battle the time waster tendencies in your life? Due 9/26
How much time do you really have?
Consider the box/life ratio example in the clip we watched - how much time are you really spending on procrastination?
Procrastination lives within the deadlines
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
If you remove the deadlines, does remove the procrastination?
Instant Gratification Monkey Rational Decision Maker
Easy and Fun vs. Common Sense -
What are some that are considered fun that distract you from what you need to do?
The Dark Playground
What are your 'Dark Playground' areas? Discuss, in groups, solutions to these 'Dark Playgrounds'
- Social Media distractions
- 'Decidaphobia' - Fear of making a decision
- Inability to say 'No'
- Too many commitments or too much free time
How to manage your time like a Broncho