Pacific Northwest Bowl
Sales and Marketing
Strategic Value
Sponsorship, cont.
Sales Channels
2. StubHub
3. Local entities with community interest, e.g. Starbucks, Universities, Bowl Sponsors.
4. In-house sales (direct sales via telephone and email), utilizing extra sales help through sales interns from local colleges and universities.
5.Team sales channels (allotted tickets)
6. Sponsorship deals (e.g. part of sponsorship packages).
7. Community relations (e.g. collaborations with local schools and youth football leagues).
North #1 or #2
Former Seattle Celebrity Athlete Endorsers
- Create an atmosphere that promotes giving back to the community while giving fans the opportunity to enjoy football, music, and the great outdoors.
- The name of the bowl portrays the culture of the local area we want to promote.
- Large portions of the fan bases of both teams (Pac-12 North #2 or #3 vs. MWC #1 or #2) also engage in outdoor sports we want to promote as part of the local culture.
- Nearest bowl game site game over 500 miles away.
- Ideal spot (the Pacific Northwest) to connect the local communities passions for football and outdoor sports.
- Annual celebration in the local community to highlight the achievements of Seattle and regional based companies while providing opportunities to showcase their influence on life in the Pacific Northwest.
- Wifi Areas – Attendees & Press
- T-Mobile Hot Zone Fan Experience
- Product placement & demos; equipment for press; free wifi
- Promotional Items
- Stocking Cap – Columbia Sportswear
- Scarf – Toyota Trucks
- Coffee Mug/Thermo – Starbucks w/ voucher
- Community/Charity events
- Outdoor Expo – Cabela’s
- Golf Tournament – Nike Golf
- 7X7 Football Tournament – Nike & Gatorade
- Scholarship & Charitable donations
- Creating an experience unique to Pacific Northwest
- Exposure, recognition, promotional, hospitality, networking
- Outdoor Expo - Pacific Northwest life sponsored by Cabela’s
- Local and Regional Sponsors to make experience unique to the area
- Title Sponsor – Open first year create competition
- Columbia Sportswear/REI (Years 2-5)
- Hospitality Areas – “Jet City”
- Boeing & Alaska Airlines
- Exposure, Hospitality, Networking Opportunities, Goodwill
- Allotment of package will go to “Send-A-Vet to the Game Program” with USO
- Product Expo Areas
- Xbox/Microsoft – Market new game console Xbox One – TVs and game demos
- Amazon – Product market area, and sponsor concerts & music events
- Starbucks – Vouchers with commemorative mug to sample products at game
Warren Moon
Steve Largent
Cortez Kennedy
Marketing Plan Features
Management, General Expenses, and Staffing
Per Capita Revenue
Per Capita Revenue
Century Link Field
- Maximum occupancy: 67,000
- Executive suites: 111
- Club seats: 7,700
- Lower Bowl: 20,000
- Upper Bowl: 37,000
- Ticket availability
- Starbucks campaign
- Street teams
- Ticket Drawing
- Early-Bird Deal
- Student and Veteran Deal
- Groupon consignment collaboration deal
- Community sales
- 4 Full time salary employees- Total salary and benefits $293,750
- Executive Director
- Director of Operations & Marketing
- Sales Executive
- Sponsorship/Service Manager
- Five part time staff working for 2 weeks at 20 hours per week
- Office, parking, utilities expenses
- Total expenses for Management, general expenses, and staffing for year 1 are $291,750
- Parking - $10/car = $3.40/person
- Merchandise - $1.75 24% Royalty
- 3rd party
General Operations
- Stadium Expenses- Rent-$112,500 or $3 per attendee
- Gameday Staffing- Merch, F&B, Operations, security, guest services, etc- $131,250 or $3.50 per attendee
- Total Stadium expenses are $247,250 which includes rent, workers, and medical
Game Operations expenses
- $30,200 which includes anthem singer, credentials, clock operator, chain crew, field prep (logos), medical, photographers, announcers, scoreboard operator, etc and we plan a 5% increase each year
- Letter of credit-2% of 2 million to the NCAA, $40,000
Other Events, cont.
Other Events
Team Relations
Fish Toss Competition
- Fish toss is huge attraction in Seattle. We will hold a fish toss comp at the Pike Place in Seattle
- Best fish tossers around compete for the grand prize of PNB game day experience
Charity football game
- Legendary college football players will coach a team in a charity football game. Each star studded team is playing for a charity group in conjunction with our charity dept. to win up close tickets for the bowl game. Our celebrities for the game would be former soldiers and known celebs.
Concert series (starts in September)
- Concert 1 (sep)
- Concert 2 (oct)
- Concert 3 (nov.)
- Concert 4 (dec.)
- Concert series ends with post game concert
Battle of the bands competition
- Local high school bands compete Competition
- Starts in November ends in December
- Two final bands
- Tickets
- 2 comp tickets per participant (for finals only)
Half time show
- Battle of the band finalist (first half)
- Starbucks Fan Throwing Competition
Quarter Breaks
- 1. Scholarship giveaway check presentation (Starbucks)
- 3. Presentation of check to Seattle Children’s hospital
- 4. 7x7 Tournament Winners Trophy Presentation
Post game concert
- To take place soon after the conclusion of the Pacific Northwest Bowl
- Charity golf tournament in April. Proceeds to a local area children's hospital. We invite local potential corporate sponsors and hire local football legends (Jon Kitna, Steve Largent, Warren Moon, Shaun Alexander, and Cortez Kennedy) to sell the companies on being sponsors of the game.
- 7x7 high school tournament in mid July before the season starts. B2G Sports is a So Cal company that trains high school athletes and hosts 7x7 tournaments. We will outsource them to run the tournament. We will use current Seahawk and B2G alumni to promote the event locally.
ESPN “Airtime Purchase”
- Game will be played on Dec 30, 2014 at 5pm (MT) on ESPN or ESPN2.
- 80 commercial spots to be sold for actual televised Bowl Game.
- The game will be heard on 710 ESPN Seattle and it’s affiliates throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- Will focus all of our broadcast advertising on local Seattle area AM/FM radio stations and affiliates during 4pm-8pm.
- Ads will feature former Seattle Seahawk greats: Steve Largent, Shaun Alexander, Warren Moon, Cortez Kennedy and Jon Kitna.
- Welcome Party for the Teams
- Team Dinners
- Gift Bag for team