Cold War 1950-1958
Sputnik launched into orbit
- October 4th
- first artificial satellite put into Earth's orbit by the Soviet Union
- triggered the Space Race
Korean War Begins
Hungarian Rebellion
- a revolt against government and it's soviet- imposed policies
- October 23 - November 10
Egypt took control of Suez Canal
- a conflict between Communist and non-communist forces
- Korea was divided at the 38th parallel into North and South Korea
- US refused to help
- Egypt and the UK signed a contract that resulted in no British forces in the canal area, so Egypt took control of the Britsh installations
Khrushchev demands withdrawl of troops from Berlin
Sarah Jean, Lizzie, Sydney, and that one kid named Tristiyee
- Khrushchev was the first secretary of the communist party (1953-1954)
- the withdrawal was meant to patch up fragments of cities and bring them back to their countries
Korean War ends in July
- armistice signed and formally ended the war
Warsaw pact formed
Federal Civil Defense Administration established
- May 14th
- the military compliment to the council for mutual economic assistance
- organized by President Harry S. Truman on December 1,1950
- became official January 12, 1951
- focused on evacuation as a strategy
KGB established in March
- Committee for State Security for the Soviet Union
- collapsed in 1991
CIA helps overthrow bad regimes in Iran and Guatemala
Vietnam split at the 17th parallel
- a circle of latitude either north or south of the equator