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In Conclusion...

The Swinging Bridge


The Fault in Our Stars

As you can see, both protagonists face similar challenges. Many of us share these same experiences. However each one of us have our own way of dealing with things, just like Mona Singh and Hazel Grace.


Loss of Connection

We all go through challenges in life, some harder to overcome than others. Some of the challenges we face are similar to challenges others face, but we may cope with them differently.

- Mona was forced to leave her homeland, Trinidad, and move to Canada. She was isolted from her friends and a lot of her family members. She felt as if she had lost connection between herself and the world around her.

- Hazel hadn't been to school in 3 years after being diagnosed with cancer. She was also isolated from her friends and had eventually lost touch. She too felt as if she had lost connection with her society.

Internal Issues

- Growing up, Mona witnessed loved ones being sexully harrassed. During high school she was told that Trinidadians were only good for sex.

- Hazel knew a lot of othr teenagers that had passed way due to cancer. She was told that she couldn't beat it.

Losing a Loved One

- Mona is heartbroken and struck with the news she hears that her brother, Kello, is suffering from a severe and life threatening illness. He soon passes away and Mona and her family are left to cope with his death.

Vanessa Ashmead

Ms. Kyriakidou


January 21st, 2014

- After being told that her love's cancer has returned, Hazel is flabbergasted. When Augustus passe away, Hazel falls into a deep depression and no one to support her.

The Swinging Bridge

The Fault in Our Stars

In Ramabai Espinet's "The Swinging Bridge", the protagonist, Mona Singh, is an ambitious Trinidadian woman, with dreams of becoming a writer and film maker. Mona's dream faces a set back when her brother, Kello, gets sick and asks Mona to go back to their home land, Trinidad, to claim land and reconnect with her family. On her way to Trinidad, Mona has various flashbacks which help her reconnect with herself and motivate her to do what she has to do. While in Trinidad Mona reveals many family secrets and learns tr truth about her past.

John Green’s “The Fault in Our Stars” is about a young girl, Hazel Grace, who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 13. She attends a support group with many other children her age who also have cancer. There she meets a boy who helps change her perspective on herself. Hazel and the boy fal in love and have physical relations. Hazel faces a series of tasks that help her find herself, and cope with the fact that she isn’t any ordinary teenager.

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