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트렌드 검색
The History of Brazilian Literature
Brazilian literature today is marked by themes of city life, crime, corruption, and loneliness.
Rubem Fonseca and Sérgio Sant'Anna broke tradition in the 1970s by turning the focus from rural life to the city.
There was also a revival of Brazilian poetry with Manoel de Barros being nominated for a nobel prize
Pois o belo muda, o saber muda, a inteligência muda, a medida muda. Mas o desejo é inalterável.”
―Rubem Fonseca
The Illness
"For beauty changes, knowledge changes, intelligence changes, the measurements change. But desire is unalterable."
Nunca morei longe do meu país.
Entretanto padeço de lonjuras.
Desde criança minha mãe portava essa doença.
Ela que me transmitiu.
Depois meu pai foi trabalhar num lugar que dava
essa doença nas pessoas.
Era um lugar sem nome nem vizinhos.
Diziam que ali era a unha do dedão do pé do fim
do mundo.
A gente crescia sem ter outra casa ao lado.
No lugar só constavam pássaros, árvores, o rio e
os seus peixes.
Havia cavalos sem freios dentro dos matos cheios
de borboletas nas costas.
O resto era só distância.
A distância seria uma coisa vazia que a gente
portava no olho
E que meu pai chamava exílio.
I never lived far from my country.
However I suffer from farness.
In my childhood my mother had the illness.
She was the one who gave it to me.
Later my father went to work at a place
that gave this illness to people.
It was a place without a name or neighbors.
People said it was the nail on the toe at the end of the world.
We grew up without any other houses nearby.
A place that offered only birds, trees, a river and its fish.
There were unbridled horses in the scrub grass,
their backs covered with butterflies.
The rest was only distance.
Distance was an empty thing we carried in the eye,
what my father called exile.
Modernism took off in Brazil after 1922, in which case influences from Europe came into effect in Brazil.
Surrealism became the favorite mode of expression.
The Modern movement came to light with the week of modern art in São Paulo.
Important authors of the time include:
Mario de Andrade- used folklore and colloquial language which then dominated Brazilian literature
Oswald de Andrade- Rebellious writer who encouraged the acceptance of other cultures in order to forge a national culture
Machado de Assis is considered the greatest Brazilian realist author.
Assis' work is characterized by the dark humor and a pessimistic view of the social constructs of the day.
His greatest works include:
Memorias Pòstumas de Brás Cubas- A novel which ridicules the posh Rio De Janeiro society of the time.
Dom Casmurro- A novel which explores the theme of happiness and self-wrought misery.
O Alienista- A novel about a psychiatrist who goes beyond boundaries in a small town to cure mental illness.
For some time I debated over whether I should start these memoirs at the beginning or at the end, that is, whether I should put my birth or my death in first place. Since common usage would call for beginning with birth, two considerations led me to adopt a different method: the first is that I am not exactly a writer who is dead but a dead man who is a writer, for whom the grave was a second cradle; the second is that the writing would be more distinctive and novel in that way. Moses, who also wrote about his death, didn't place it at the opening but at the close: a radical difference between this book and the Pentateuch.
Algum tempo hesitei se devia abrir estas memórias pelo princípio ou
pelo fim, isto é, se poria em primeiro lugar o meu nascimento ou a
minha morte. Suposto o uso vulgar seja começar pelo nascimento,
duas considerações me levaram a adotar diferente método: a
primeira é que eu não sou propriamente um autor defunto, mas um
defunto autor, para quem a campa foi outro berço; a segunda é que
o escrito ficaria assim mais galante e mais novo. Moisés, que também
contou a sua morte, não a pôs no intróito, mas no cabo: diferença
radical entre este livro e o Pentateuco.
Romanticism gave way to realism just as the rest of the world discovered this new prose.
The first waves of Portuguese speaking immigrants occurred in the 16th century, but no official language was declared.
Brazilian realism came to reflect the realities faced by all different social classes within the struggling nation. It highlighted wealth disparity, social unrest, and racial profiling
The Jesuit missionaries sent to convert the native population excelled in learning native tongues of Brazil and encouraging
their usage.
The colonial period of Brazilian literature was marked by adventurous poems and letters documenting the discovery of Portuguese America.
Eventually, a blending of Amerindian, African
and Portuguese dialects constituted the Brazilian Portuguese lexicon. Words from the Guarani-Tupi
tribes are prevalent in place names, animals, and trees,
while African words are used to describe rituals and
various ways of life among the population.
Examples of colonial-style poets:
-Basilio de Gama's epic poem of jesuit conquest over the natives
-Gregorio de Matos' satirical poetry
-Claudio Manuel de Costa's nationalist poetry
Portuguese developed on the Iberian Peninsula after the fall of the Roman Empire.
The bulk of poetry and literature of the colonial period came from the wealthy state of Minas Gerais.
The neoclassic era of the colonial period finally gave way to the Romantic era of Brazilian literature.
Essentially, Portuguese is an evolutionary hybrid of vulgar latin mixed with Galician dialects.
Themes during this era focused on nature, nationalism, and exaggerations.
Such prolific Brazilian writers as Castro Alves , Jose de Alencar, and Manuel de Macedo became instant celebrities.
The closest relative to Portuguese is Spanish, but it also closely resembles all romance languages.
This was also the dawn of the Brazilian novelists who would come to influence Brazilian culture as much as their poet predecessors.