Results #1
Solid Black: WT (a)
Dashed Black: PARP1 (-/-) (b)
Solid Red: Sco2 (c)
Dashed Red: double mutant (d)
Results #3
PARP1 Inhibitors Induce Mitochondrial Function in Skeletal Muscle and Brain
Results #2 (Contd)
- Administered an inhibitor (MRLB) of PARP1
- Weekly treadmill performance increased in Sco2 mice, no change in WT seen
- Sirt1 activated in both groups
- Western blot analysis showed increased content of mitochondrial respitory subunits in Sco2 mouse
- In contrast to the NR treatment, the inhibitor determined significant increase of respiratory chain activities in the brain.
Results #2
NR Increases Motor Performance and Induces OXPHOS- Related Gene Expression in Sco2 Skeletal Muscle
Solid Black: WT
Dashed Black: WT+NR
Solid Red: Sco2
Dashed Red: Sco2 + NR
Subjects: WT & KOKI (Sco2)
Results #3(contd)
- Increased mitochondrial function and levels of motor endurance (Sco2)
- Increased mRNA levels (Sco2)
- Increased protein levels (Sco2)
- Increased levels of mitochondrial respiratory chain activities (Sco2)
- NAD+/NADH ratio increases (WT and Sco2)
- Transcripts related to mtUPR were increased while those unrelated were unchanged in Sco2 mice
*Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response (mtUPR):
a stress response protective mechanism which can improve
mitochondrial function.
Solid Black: WT
Dashed Black: WT+MRLB
Solid Red: Sco2
Dashed Red: Sco2 + MRLB
Amarachi Uwaga
Edeline Sanchez
Ran Fontenelle
Stephanie Igbinovia
- In Vivo
- Western Blot Analysis
- Locomotor
Results #1
Ablation of PARP1 Improved Motor Performance in Sco2 Mouse
Subjects Used: Sco2 mice, PARP1(-/-) mice, WT mice & Sco2/PARP1 mice
- Double mutants showed increased levels of NAD+
- Reduced fasting blood glucose levels, body weight, epididymal white adipose tissue compared to Sco2 mice
- Sco2 mice showed reduced motor performance compared to WT litter mates
- Double mutants performed as well as WT and PARP litter mates
- COX was increased in skeletal muscle of the double mutants showed in Figure C
- Activities of CIII and CIV were also increased in the brains of the double mutants
- Removal of the PARP1 gene, supplementation of NR or administration of Parp inhibitors can expand the NAD+ pool and active sirtuins (Sirt1), a master regulator of mitochondria homeostasis
- Regulating the mitochondria homeostasis produce effects that protect mice from high fat induced- metabolic disease.
- These treatments used correct both the biochemical and clinical phenotype of the Sco2 mouse
Study Subjects
- Sco2 mouse- defect
- WT- wild type, control
- Parp1(-/-)- removed from mice
- Sco2/Parp1- double mutant
Motor performance of the four subjects, (4 animals per group), was monitored weekly by a standard treadmill test for 4 weeks starting at 2 months of age.
Study Design
*Sco2 gene: Involved in the formation of cytochrome C oxidase, an enzyme in the electron transport chain
*Parp1 - NAD+ inhibitor
Experimental study
Causation- allows inferences to be made about the relationship between the IV and DV
Control-allows for the ruling out of alternative explanations due to external variables
Variability- reduces variability within treatment conditions, making it easier to detect treatment outcomes
Artifical enviornment- low realism
Low Validity- diffucult to generalize to other subjects
Because Sirt1 directly targets the mitochondrial biogenesis pathways, thereby boosting mitochondrial function, and there is a direct relationship between Sirt1 and NAD+, the hypothesis is that NAD+ acts as a metabolic sensor.
*Metabolic sensors: Helps cell improvement
Study Objective
Discussion (contd)
- This research project has various practical uses and medical benefits.
- Prolonged NR supplementation up to 6 months induced mitochondrial biogenesis in the brain and improved cognitive dysfunction of an Alzheimer diseased mouse
- NR as a natural vitamin that is administered as a dietary supplement benefits reduced NAD+/NADH ratio, or aging
- PARP1 ablation or inhibition has been recorded to rescue models of liver cirrhosis by correcting the associated mitochondrial impairment.
- PARP1 inhibitors are currently under clinical trial as anticancer molecules
This research, using mice as models, show that with the supplementation of a natural NAD+ precursor, nicotinamide riboside, OR with the reduction of NAD+ consumption by inhibitors- poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases, there is an improvement in the disease.
The same theaureptic method used on the mice with the disease has potential to also treat humans with mitochondrial disorders.
- Because of the shorter time frame (4 weeks) compared to other experiments that last 12 weeks, time-dependent activation of different mitochondrial pathways were not able to be observed.
- Shorter time period did not allow for observations to be seen in the WT littermates.
- Limited number of subjects.
Background Info
- Mitochondrial diseases
- There are currently no effective therapies but research is continuously being done to increase the overall activity of the mitochondria and respiratory chain.
- Cytochrome C Oxidase Deficiency is the mitochondrial disease affecting the muscles used for movement (skeletal muscles) such as the heart, brain, or the liver.
- The gene mutations that cause cytochrome c oxidase deficiency affect an enzyme complex called cytochrome c oxidase, which is responsible for one of the final steps in oxidative phosphorylation.
How can I first understand the
title before analysis?
- NAD+ - Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide.
- NAD+ is an oxidizing agent
- Watch Video: -------------------------------------------->
- NAD+ activates the SIRT1, a protein also known as a dependent deacetylase Sirtuin 1.that is encoded by the Sirtuin 1 gene.
- It is an enzyme that deacetylases proteins
- Sirt1 activity is directly regulated by the availability of NAD+ and as NAD+ boosts Sirt1 activity
NAD+-Dependent Activation of Sirt1 Corrects the Phenotype in a Mouse Model of Mitochondrial Disease