SOIL POLLUTION and It's Control
"Types of Soil Pollution”
Positive soil pollution
-Reduction in the productivity of soil due to the addition of undesirable substances like pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc. is called positive pollution. These pollutants have cumulative effect and kill the soil organisms.
Negative soil pollution
It is caused by the removal useful components from soil by erosion, deforestation andimproper methods of agriculture.
Use of cattle dung and agricultural wastes in biogas plants should be encouraged.
Deforestation can check soil erosion
to a great extent
Sources of Soil Pollution:
"Salination of Soil"
Metals should be recovered from scrap and disposed materials.
Increase in the concentration of soluble salts is called salination. This adversely affects the quality and productivity of soil. It takes place in two ways: accumulation of salts dissolved in irrigation water on the soil surface due to intensive farming and poor drainage, anddeposition of salts as white crust during summer months drawn by capillary action from thelower surface to the top surface.
Use of chemical fertilizers should be
reduced by the use of bio fertilizers
and manures.
Control of Soil Pollution
Various measure to control soil pollution are-
Transfer stations for bulk shifting of refuse should be constructed in cities and bigtowns.
Use of pesticides can be reduced by adopting biological control of pests.
There are several materials, which adversely affect physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and thus reduce its productivity.
Pneumatic pipes should be laid for collecting
and disposing wastes.
Materials like paper, glass and plastics can be recycled.
Pesticides and
insecticides that are sprayed
on crops.
Chemicals present in
industrial waste.
Pesticides and
insecticides that are sprayed
on crops
When will it become a pollution??
once it is contaminated it will become a SOIL POLLUTION caused by the presence of xenobiotic (human-made) chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment
Soil is a natural body consisting of layers (soil horizons) that are primarily composed of minerals, mixed with at least some organic matter, which differ from their parent materials in their texture, structure, consistency, color, chemical, biological and other characteristics.