A Step From Heaven
Age throughout the book: 3-19
Profession: School
Attitude towards Society: shy yet she has potential
Actions: Lied, Smartest in class, Made a friend, Learned a new language
Role in society: outcast, brainiac
Family: not much power, older sister
Phydical Appearence: long black hair, blackish/brown eyes, tanish/Asian skin
Beliefs: a girl can do anything in Mi Gook
Memory: Halamoni, Korea
Struggles: Apa, moving to Mi Gook, Mi Gook society
Achievements: friends, language
Age: around 40 or so
Profession: cook, other odds and ends
Attitude towards society: Intraverted and shy, not that "out"
Actions: stood up for herself a little but not enough, brought her kids to church
Role in society: outcast, the "misterious mom behind the curtains"
Family: loves family, try to be loyal to Apa
Physical appearence: blackish/brow eyes, long black hair, slim, rough hands
Beliefs: Be loyal to husband
Memory: Korea, family
Motive: keep honor and pride
Struggles: Domestic violence from Apa
Achievements: Being a good Uhmma (mom)
Age: about 40 or so
Profession: Gardener/lawn caretaker
Attutude towards society: he's not so fond of Mi Gook society, stuck with himself
Actions: Drinks, stays out late, beats his kids and wife
Role in society: The "Oriental Gardener" that doesn't speak English
Family: Beats his family, abuses his "rightful" power,
Physical Appearence: black cow lick hair, blackish/brown eyes, sunburn and a farmer's tan
Beleifs: He's top dog and can rule the whole house/family
Memory: Korea, his Uhmma (Young Ju's Halamoni)
Motive: To stay top dog forever
Struggles: Low on money, too many jobs, heavy drinking, his family ties, the loss of his Uhmma
Achievements: came to Mi Gook, had a SON, got a job
Age throughout book: 0-15 or so
Profession: skipping school and haning with friends
Attitude towards society: friends are life, school sucks
Actions: skips school, draws pictures
Role in society: stud, manpower!!
Family: Apa beat him, his mom loves him, he has an older sister
Physical appearence: black cow lick hair (later shaven off), dark eyes, tan skin
Beliefs: he doesn't have to be like Young Ju, books are useless
Memory: all of Mi Gook, his father beating him
Motive: his friends and the thought that he's "free"
Struggles: his absences at school, Young Ju questioning him
Achievements: friends, better drawings
Mini Speech Explained to you by:
Jessica Prigge
Alex Opstad
Joe Swilley
Joon Ho Park
Young Ju Park