Phonics Review Lesson
- 5 students participate in a small group, Fundations intervention
- Review and practice consonant letter and their sounds through a sensory bin activity
- Objective: We will use our prior knowledge to identify consonant letters and letter-sounds of b, f, t, m, n, c, and r.
- Allowed the students to keep their cards when going over the answers
- Or had a flipchart of each card - we could go over together with a visual
- Had students share a letter, its sound and an object
Modeling & Explore
Closing &
Formative Assessments
- Students were excited about the sensory bin
- Fundations is a scripted intervention-Students were excited to show their knowledge through other activities
- Resource of the large letter-keyword-sound cards
- Go over the answers to the activity cards
- Thumbs up, Thumbs down EPR
- Collect data of placement of the objects
- Activity cards
- Introduce sensory bin and its rules
- Exploration of sensory bin
- Put small Fundations letter cards in the sensory bin
- Students took turns pulling out a card:
identify letter-keyword-sound
- Letter cards on white board
- Asked students to think of objects that began with these letters (one at a time)
- Prompted with questions
- Wrote their ideas on an anchor chart next to the appropriate letter
- Students were able to relate to the pictures on the cards
- Enjoyed the activity
- Make the connection from the sensory bin to the activity card
- Immediate feedback during the lesson and after the independent activity cards
- Performed the lesson in the “under the sea” room where technology and more space is available - ActivInspire flipchart
- The rice left a chalky residue on the cards and the hands of the students - different material
- Instead of having students develop their own list of objects, difficult and took a long time - graphic organizer
UDL Principles & Differentiation
Independent Practice
Guided Practice
“Which Letter” activity cards
- Picture of one object
- Given 3 letters- must circle the letter the object begins with
- Multiple means of Representation
- Multiple means of Engagement
- Multiple means of Expression
- Sensory bin- pull out objects that begin with the 7 letters we are reviewing
- Show the object to everyone, identify the letter-keyword-sound and place it in its correct labeled tub
“Which One Doesn’t Belong” activity cards
- Each card has 4 pictures- 3 of the same beginning sound
- Students must write an X over the one that doesn’t belong
- Would have laminated all of the activity cards and have students use dry erase markers
- Placed them on a key ring
- Had students have different objects on their cards or simply just put them in different orders - couldn't compare during the activity
- Have students explore all of the objects before placing them in the sensory been
- Use less letters: 5 rather than 7
Clear demonstration if the students were able to replicate the skill we practiced during the lesson through the activity cards
- Students were engaged throughout the entire activity
- Able to discover the beginning sound of the objects – used letter-keyword-sound cards resource to help identify the correct lettered tub
- Discover multiple objects that begin with a letter sound and practiced the letter sound using different words and matching it with the correct written letter