Anders Jonas Angstrom
Anders jonas Ångström
He was born on August 13, 1814
He died on June 21, 1974
He was born, and did most of his work, in Sweden
Anders is famous because he is the founder of spectroscopy.
Spectroscopy is the branch of science concerned with the investigation and measurement of spectra produced when matter interacts with or emits electromagnetic radiation
He went to the Stockholm Observatory to get experience in practical astronomical work, and was appointed keeper of the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory the next year.
In February, 1853, Ångström presented his “Optiska undersökninger” (“Optical Researches”) before the Stockholm Academy of Science.
He was the first person to examine the spectrum of the aurora borealis.
he found and measured the bright line in its yellow/green area; but he mistakenly said this same line is also to be seen in the zodiacal light.
He proved the sun's atmosphere contains hydrogen and a few other elements with his combination of the spectroscope and photography.
- Anders Jonas Ångström. (2011). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
- Angstrom, anders jonas. (19th, July 07). Retrieved from
- Ångström, Anders Jonas." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 2008.
Retrieved May 30, 2011 from
- Anders jonas Ångström. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Matthew Walker
May 27, 2011
Earth Science B2