What She Did
Doing this, it was thought by the enemies that she was a Persian traitor, and on their side.
It was thought by Xerxes and the Persians that she had taken down a enemy ship, killing everyone so that the Persians never found out the truth.
What She Did
She rammed into one of her own side, being corned by the Greek enemies.
Artemisia of Halicarnassus
The Battle
There, she proved herself, impressing Xerxes.
The Battle
Even though against the idea, she still participated in the Naval Battle of Salamis
Artemisia was a female warrior and a queen. She was named after Artemis and was born during the 5th century. Her father was the king of Halicarnassus. When she was of age she was wed to the king of Caria
Becoming a Warrior
At a conference, she made a suggestion to Xerxes about the sea battle, advising against it.