Ruth Ho
Revive Isotonic Advertisement
Operant Conditioning
- Consumer's response to stimulus is either reinforced by a reward or discouraged by a punishment
- Differs from classical conditioning in terms of
The Role
The timing of the reinforcement
Conditioned stimuli
(Positive emotion)
Unconditioned Stimuli
(Football Game)
Conditioned Response
Revive Drink
Conditioned Response (Positive Emotion)
Classical conditioning
Types Of Learning
- The process of using an established relationship between a naturally occurring (unconditioned) stimulus and the natural (unconditioned) response to that stimulus to bring about the association of that same (conditioned) response to a different ( conditioned) stimulus.
Positive outcomes that strengthens the likelihood of a specific response
- Boost Juice (Discounts, Promotions)
-Shampoo (Free samples)
High vs Low Involvement
Association of a stimulus (information) with
a response (behaviour or feeling)
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive learning
Iconic rote learning
Vicarious learning/modelling
Negative outcome that serves to encourage a specific behavior
-Face Cleansers (Flyers, Advertisments
-Deodorant (Free Samples)
High vs low involvement learning
High Involvement
A situation in which the consumer is motivated to learn or process the material
Low Involvement
A situation in which the consumer has little or no motivation to learn or process the material
High Involvement
- Little or no effort to learn and process the material
- No impact on a consumer's lifestyle
- Consumer is willing to put in effort in learning about the product
- Will spend more time in learning about the product
- Tend to be more expensive and of great importance to us
- Purchases needing careful consideration due to the object's complex nature
- Involves many advertisements
Question of the day
How does low involvement learning different from high involvement learning?
What kind of learning should marketers use to ensure that consumers learn a favourable product
positioning for
a) Jack & Jill Potato chips’
b) Greenpeace.
High vs Low Involvement
vicarious learning
- Most complex form of cognitive learning
- The individual engages in creative thinking to restructure and recombine existing information as well as new information to form new associations and concepts
- High Involvement learning
- A type of learning based on the observation and imitation of the behaviour of others
- For both high and low involvement learning
Iconic Rote Learning
Cognitive Learning
- Learning the association between two or more concepts, without the presence of conditioning
- Low Involvement learning
- Mostly achieved through repetitive advertisements
cognitive learning
Three Types of learning
Iconic Rote Vicarious Reasoning
- Mental activities of humans as they work to solve problems or cope with situations
- Involves ideas, concepts, attitudes and facts that contribute to the ability to reason, solve problems and learn relationships without direct experience or enforcement
What is learning?
A change in behaviour or cognition resulting from direct experience or interpretation of experience made by the observation of others.
Jack & Jill patato chips
- High Involvement learning
- Cognitive learning through vicarious learnin
- To gain awareness from the public to care about the environment, they can make an educational advertisement and spread it through the social media
- Low involvement product
- Operant conditioning
- Present the product in the context of an appealing lifestyle to create a positive lifestyle
What kind of learning should marketers use to ensure that consumers learn a favourable product positioning for
a) Jack & Jill Potato chips’
b) Greenpeace.
High Involvement vs Low Involvement