What is Etiquette?
- Conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion
Why is Etiquette Important?
Common Manners
- Knowing proper etiquette is substantial in social settings.
- Etiquette is useful in every day life
- Standard requirements of behavior. How you should behave.
- Holding the door for others
- Please and Thank you
- Polite
- Excuse me
- Don't Interrupt
- Foul Language
- It is important for people to be educated in etiquette so it will be passed on
Types of Etiquette
Social Etiquette
- Common Manners
- Social Etiquette
- Table Etiquette
- Adults
- Event Etiquette
- Thank-you notes
- How to act in social settings
- Greeting others
- Don't be loud or obnoxious
- Don't stay on cell phone
- Interruptions
- Always say ma'am and sir
- Be very respectful
- Go out of your way for the elderly
- Always say "may I"
Thank-You Notes
- Never stay on your phone at the table
- Keep a napkin in your lap
- Never chew with your mouth open/talk
- Don't eat before everyone has their food
- Know how to set a table
- Don't put elbows on table
- Respectful to waiter
- Don't speak over everyone
- They are very important
- Show gratitude
- Know how to write them
- Don't wait too long to send
Event Etiquette
The Importance
- Respond to RSVP
- Never be late to a timed event
- Dress appropriately
- Do not stay on your phone
- Be respectful
- Thank them
Of Etiquette