An Animal Cell...
is kind of like a restaurant!
By: Julie Nguyen
5th period
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Now do see the relationships of an animal cell to a restaurant?
Endoplasmic Reticulum
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) transports the information to other parts of the cell. In a restaurant, the waiter gathers information about the order to the chefs!
Cell Membrane
The nuclear membrane controls what comes in and out of the cell which is kind of like the security that gives you permission to go inside the restaurant!
Ribosomes make the proteins but in a restaurant, the chefs make the food!
The cytoplasm is where all the organelles are and separates the nucleus. In a restaurant, the tables separate the people into different places!
Lysosomes break down the materials that aren't needed which is like the janitors who clean up the restaurant up.
Mitochondria converts the nutrients into energy for the cell, just like a kitchen that makes the food in a restaurant!
The DNA carries out the information out in an animal cell. In a restaurant, the menu has all the information about the foods!
The nucleus is the brain of the cells...
which is kind of like the managers of the restaurant!