- Cousin Marie
- Family with Cornelia
- A bit of a snob
- Like jewels
- Colorful
- Black hair
Agatha Christie Novels
- 73 novels
- Not only novels
- 2 main characters
- Always in the upperclass
- Tommy & Tuppence
- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
- Peril at End House
- Murder on the Orient Express
- Bad start
- And Then There Were None, Nigger Island and Then Little Niggers
- 6 november 1939
- Collins Crime Club
Miss Marple
- Other main character
- Amateur detective
- Uses people from St. Mary Mead
- Seems weak
Ariadne Oliver
- Author of crime
- In 6 novels
- Helps Hercule Poirot
- She regrets instructors
- Flatter is wasted on her
- She loves apples
- A bit confused
Thanks for your attention
Cornelia Robson
- Van Shuyler's servant and niece
- Obedient and dutiful
- Nurse
- Dr. Bessner
- Red short hair
- Helpful
Af Birk og Milo