A Timeline of Global Conflict
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
- was shot by Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914
Battle of Stalingrad
Bombing of Hiroshima
Rape of Nanking
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Treaty of Versailles
Stock Market Crash
- directly led to the First World War
- Effectively ended the war between Germany and Allied Powers
- Germany was forced to pay for damages and were reassigned boundaries; was a source of great shame to German citizens
- Japanese army marches into Nanking (China) and proceeds to kill half of the city's population
- halted German advance into Soviet territory
- shifted tide of the war in favor of the Allies
- over 2 million total casualties
- began a world-wide economic depression
- caused further economic issues to the already-struggling Germany
- forced Japan to surrender and withdraw from their acquired territories.
- Ended World War II
- Allowed the Soviets to (temporarily) remain at peace with Germany
- Allowed Germany to invade Poland unopposed
- divided Europe into Soviet and Nazi spheres of influence
Munich Conference
Mussolini takes power in Italy
Battle of the Bulge
Adolf Hitler elected Chancellor
Bolshevik Revolution
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Zimmermann Note
- turned Italy into a fascist dictatorship
- eventually became a role model and close ally to Adolf Hitler
- Germany wanted an alliance with Mexico should the U.S. enter World War I
- provided the Allies with a foothold on continental Europe
- "The beginning of the end of the war"
- led to the liberation of Western Europe
- legally gave Nazi Germany control of the western portion of Czechoslovakia
- Put Europe on the brink of war when France and Britain failed to aid Czechoslovakia
- Lenin gains control of Russia and becomes dictator
- formed the USSR (Soviet Union) and adopted communism
- Led the U.S. to enter World War I
- was an attempt by the Japanese to prevent American interference in their Pacific conquests
- caused the United States to enter World War II
- Hitler now holds a significant position of power
- begins his manipulation of the German government and people to gain support and become dictator
- caused heavy casualties to American forces, but the desperate German advance was eventually halted
- cripples the Nazi army with heavy loses to resources