Heuristic Processing through the Peripheral Route
Melanie just received her first paycheck and is itching to buy something new; maybe a pair of shoes or a nice dress.
- Melanie processes the advertisements heuristically because she isn't motivated or able to process the message in the shoe commercial.
- The first advertisement takes the peripheral route to persuasion because it uses hashtags that jump out at you to compliment their products and a catchy song to pull you into the commercial. It also shows how much fun you can have in shoedazzle.com's shoes by including scenes of women having a blast in the company's high heels.
- The second advertisement also takes the peripheral route to persuade Melanie by using a strategy called source attractiveness: H&M incorporates celebrity, Lana Del Ray, as a spokesperson to get people to want to buy the clothes that she wears.
Shoedazzle.com TV Commercial
Commercials like these would be best to persuade Melanie because she isn't looking to make an informed buy, she just wants to treat herself after getting her first paycheck.
H&M Lana Del Ray
Elaboration Likelihood Model: Advertising
Systematic Processing through the Central Route
- Jeff processes the persuasion in the advertisement for Ford systematically because the car commercial elaborates on the car: it's features, how it is good for the environment, the price, and how many miles per gallon the car allows.
- 3 criteria to produce attitude change via the central route:
- Motivation: Jeff wants an environmentally friendly car with safe and reliable features.
- Ability: Jeff already knows about environmentally friendly cars and will process the message shown in the commercial better
- Message Strength: Car commerical used strong arguments to persuade Jeff to buy their environmentally-friendly car: statistics on better mileage, energy-saving information, and other features associated. This ultimately caused a positive attitude change in Jeff resulting in him buying the car.
- The second advertisement takes the central route to persuade Jeff by giving him helpful information on the advertisement to persuade him cognitively rather than just showing a celebrity or using a catchy phrase to reel Jeff in.
Ford Fusion Hybrid
Jeff has always cared about the environment and now needs a new vehicle that has better mileage. He is looking for something safe and reliable.
A car commercial like this one would be best to persuade Jeff because he is looking to make an important decision and wants to know all the facts before making a purchase.
2013 Hyundai Elantra