Key Contributions
- Copernicus' heliocentric theory of the universe.
- Tycho Brahe's discovery of a supernova in constellation cassiopeia.
- Hans Lippershey, invents the telescope.
- Galileo's dicoveries of the 4 Jovian moons, the moons craters and the milky way.
- Keplers 1st and 2nd and 3rd laws of planetary motions.
- Christian Huygens' discoveries of Saturns rings and Titain, the fourth satellite of Saturn.
- Newton's built first Reflecting Telescope.
- Cassini's discovery of Saturns split ring (two parts)- called the "Cassini division"
- Halley correctly predicts the return of a comet (Halleys Comet) in 1758.
- The discovery of Uranus by Herschel.
- The beginning of spectral analysis of stars by Sir William Huggins.
- Asaph Hall discovers Phobos and Deimos, the moons of Mars.
- And so many more!
Who? When?
- Newton (1668-1687)
- Edmond Halley (1705-1780)
- Johann Palitzsch (1758)
- Christian Doppler (1842)
- Samuel Heinrich Schwabe (1843)
- Johann Galle (1846)
- Joseph Leverrier (1846)
- John Couch Adams (1846)
- Sir William Huggins(1860-1863)
- Henry Draper (1872)
- Asaph Hall (1877)
- Copernicus (1473-1543) reinvented the heliocentric theory and challenged Church doctrine.
- Tycho Brahe (1572) was astronomy's 1st true observer. He built the Danish Observatory.
- Johann Bayer (1603)
- Hans Lippershey (1608)
- Galileo Galilee (1609)
- Christian Huygens(1656)
- Geminiano Montanari (1669)
- Ulugh Beg (1394-1449)
Contributions to Astronomy in the years 1200-1800.
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