Wellness Reflection
by Salma A.
What factors interfere with your overall wellness?
What does wellness mean to you?
- My lifestyle, decisions, diet and environment are prominent factors that interfere with my overall wellness.
- If I make poor decisions with my diet, time management or lifestyle, it can really throw off my balance and abstain me from functioning.
- If I am stressed from school, it affects my emotional stability which then affects my ability to perform in my job.
- The environment also affects my wellness because depending on the weather, my ability to be open and in a good mood affects my ability to socialize and communicate.
- Also, if I choose to have a poor diet, it can affect my motivation and ability to critically think.
- As a result, I will then slack off from my assignments and extracurricular and make me surround myself in an unmotivated environment.
- Overall, this will indeed affect my lifestyle and my wellness.
How does wellness affect your relationships with others?
- In all spectrums of life, wellness is an active process of being self-aware and making an effort towards a healthy and sufficient life.
- The body, mind and soul are lined up, harmonized and allows for more than being free of illness.
- It is a dynamic phenomenon of change and growth.
- I need a balanced life that allows me to balance my academic, social and extracurricular activities while still being fully aware in order to be well.
What factors contribute to your overall wellness?
- Because of the balance between all the factors in my life, it will allow me to perform well in all my relationships.
- My emotional state is the most important factor in relationships. If I am stressed out due to an imbalance in my life, I will project anger or stress on others in my life and will allow for unhealthy relationships.
- My overall wellness needs to be in check in order to be good to others which come from other factors emotionally, academically and environmentally.
- My academic performance affects me a lot and is the cause of interference which means I need to be extra careful with that factor in order to be healthy with others in my life,
What can you do in the future to try to maintain wellness?
- Similar to the health dimensions presented in this unit, there are many more factors that contribute to my wellness.
- These dimensions range from occupational, emotional, spiritual, environment, physical, social and intellectual.
- Personally, occupational, social and emotional factors are very influential towards my overall wellness. W
- hen I am in a good state emotionally, it can help my work ethic in my academics and will allow me to perform well socially.
- As a result, my extracurriculars, social life, academics and emotional state will all be balanced and will aide in my overall wellness.
- In order to maintain wellness, I need to constantly challenge myself in all the dimensions and be willing to improve.
- Without a challenge, I might lose interest which will affect my performance overall.
- A challenge could range from adding a new workout routine to my life to maybe even visiting a new country in order to learn about others and get out of my comfort zone.
- I need to maintain all the dimensions: physical, social, intellectual, spiritual and emotional to be fully balanced in my life.