What you can do
- first make your point in the language of a professional field
make it again in everyday language
- blend the two together
- political statement: society unfairly overvalues some dialects and devalues others
What this means
- the words “neurotically controlling” and “self-conscious” are compatible with the word “control freak”
- using everyday language can help the audience understand the point of the passage
- it described the person above as all these super complicated words
- in the end they used control freak and I was able to understand the message of the paragraph.
“As merrill Skaggs has put it, ‘She is neurotically controlling and self-conscious about her work, but she knows at all points what she is doing. Above all else, she is self-conscious.’ Without question, Cather was a control freak.”
Judith Fetterley, “Willa Cather and the Question of Sympathy: The Unofficial Story”
Differences between Academic and Non Academic Writing
- ALWAYS told to use big words, long sentences, and complex sentence structures
- your writing should be relaxed and be your own
- academic writing: refers to a particular style of expression that researchers use to define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their areas of expertise
- non academic writing: considered that writing which is personal, emotional, impressionistic, or subjective in nature.
- academic writing: a certain style that researchers use to explain their areas of expertise
- non academic writing: personal style of writing used in everyday language