Lake Superior Ecosystem
remediation programs
plant adaptation
We found a remediation program that helps the topeka shiner called Warm Water Streams. It helps by putting up laws and telling people to put them back if they catch it.
Animal adaptation
So, now were over to plant adaptation. The plant I will be talking about is the Black Spruce tree. It can thrive and survive here beause, hey that rymes! Neverind, it can live here because it is very boggy+swampy where it grows. And they need to be in swampy conditions to grow. Also, the tempature needs to be about 45 degrees F.-13 degrees F.
Snapping turtles can survive here because Lake
Superior is freshwater witch Snapping turtles need freshwater to live. Lake Superior also provides food for the turtle to survive like fish, plants, worms, and other things.
Okay, now that you know all that mathy stuff, and about animals, its time for you to learn about plants. The things that help us live. Here are some plants that live here
~Buckbean, Blue-Green Aleage, Plankton, Black Spruce, and Gum trees.~
Here are some popular animals that live here. ~There are nearly 150 species of fish in Superior. There are also moose, river otters, beavers, wood frogs, snapping turtles, and Canada Lynx.
Some endangered species in Superior are... wait, wait, lets all thinks about them and pray. Nevermind, anyway, some endangered species are ~Canada Lynx, Topeka Shiner, Dakota Skipper, Karner Blue Butterfly, Dawf Trout lily, Leedys Roseroot, and Prarie bush clover.~
symbiotic relationships
The midwestern turtle and fish or leehes is an example of mutalisim. It is a example because the turtle gets clean and the fish gets food.
Now were on to the consumers! Yay! If you like animals, then you will like this. Here on some consumers found in the area ~Black Bears, Beavers, Wood Frogs, Haren, Moose, and Snapping Turtles.~
Now were on to the next slide. Here are some producers to help us thrive. ~Buckbean, Cattails, Plankton, Gum Trees, and Black Spruce.~
Thank you for listning to us and our slide! We hope you enjoyed and learned a little more about freshwater/Lake Superior! We really enjoyed making this so we hope you have loved it!
Thank you for listning to us. We hope you learned some things and enjoyed it! So here is the quiz.
Name one producer
Name one Consumer
Name the program that is helping the Topeka Shiner
Name one endangerd plant
Name on place where Superior is located
The climate here is in the middle The average precipitation is 1.7%. The average tempature is 40 degrees. The average amount of sunlight is 2,294 hours a year.
Before we go anywere, you need to learn about Superior. Lake Superior is located 47.7000 North and 87.5ooo West. If thats to complecated then I will make it simple, like this. It is located in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario Canada, and Minnesota.
Hello! And welcome to our ecoysystem!! Lake Superior! The largest fresh water lake in the world! We will be taking you on a trip all around! So, don't leave! Cmon! Let's go!!
By Syd, Grant, and Brandon