1. Quality provision, leadership, teaching and learning supported by effective governance.
2. Strong engagement and contribution from parents, families and whanau, hapu, iwi , Maori organisations, communities and businesses.
Quality Provision: provision for Maori is catered for at all levels
Teaching and learning: collaborative plans, inclusion of
Te Reo me nga tikanga and identified sources of people involved
Engage on a regular basis with stakeholders ie sharing practices, evidence, consultation
CREATING ways for whanau , hapu , iwi, organisations and communities to contribute and
working together to provide support
- Hui that are targetted at strategic plans and goals
- Iwi involvement with staff for pd re: kingitanga and Tainui kawa
- Involvement in annual/ long term plans through regular hui
- Developing resources to support Te Reo
- On site Te Reo classes for whanau
- Whanau involvement for literacy/ numeracy workshops eg PD workshops, inter: cluster whanau/iwi pd
High expectations that are realistic
- realising potential
- identifying and PROVIDING opportunities
- investing in people and local solutions ie kanohi me te kanohi
- tailoring education to the student eg incorporating a collaborative voice
- indigineity and distinctiveness
- collaboration and constructing ie sharing plans with communities such as the strategic plans and setting up hui to contribute to plans
1. All Maori students have strong literacy, numeracy and language skills.
1. Treaty of Waitangi
2. Maori potential approach
3. Ako: a 2 way teaching and learning process
4. Identity, language and culture count
5. Productive partnerships
Reciprocative learning that is
deliberate and reflective: 2 way process
? Include into appraisal cycle
? Regular conversations and recordings about what works for students/ whanau in regards to learning and what teachers have learnt from students/ whanau eg taped recordings
? Awareness of AKO through school newsletters and inviting whanau/ iwi to contribute to theme planning
Connecting with students existing knowledge
- TAPPING into where they come from, what they value and what they already know
- Tainui kawa, te kingitanga
- Strengthening connections with local kaumatua through involvement at all levels
- VALUES incorporated into plans
- Reciting pepeha
- Hui / pd at Ihumatao marae
Maori students, parents and whanau participate in learning that is engaging and enjoyable
Teaching and learning experiences incorporate identity, language and culture
Maori connections to whanau
- Academic mentoring conversations
- Access to evidence based information eg online access to up to date info on literacy and numeracy skills
Accelerating Success for Maori
Strategic Plan
Maori enjoying and
education success
as Maori
Maori Development Plan
Improving Educational Outcomes For All Maori
1. Who are our stakeholders to contribute to the learning outcomes for Maori?
Mangere East Primary School
Me ako tahi tatou
Together we learn